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SUPRANATIONALISM >> cooperation over conflict…

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1 SUPRANATIONALISM >> cooperation over conflict…

2 Supranationalism…. A supranational organization is one in which member states surrender power in specific areas to a higher organization. Decisions made by a supranational organization must be obeyed by the member states. Often there are courts to determine when violations have occurred, although frequently enforcement mechanisms are not as effective as they are within nation-states. Many supranat’l orgs are economic but can have political or military aspects such as EU, NATO…

3 Examples of supranationalism
European Union ASEAN – Association of SE Asian Nations…

4 History of Supranational organizations
Trade Leagues One of the most common forms of supranational organizations in history is that of leagues, generally composed of states seeking to resist some common military or economic threat by combining their forces.

5 NAFTA – first trade agreement b/t ‘MDC’ and ‘LDC’* countries…
NAFTA decisions affect issues and create issues, such as where a highway route passes within a country…

6 Spatial analysis of Supranationalism
Usually found in w/in regions EU or NAFTA Some groups are more global UN, WTO, GATT, G8

7 United Nations (UN) 193 members Headquarters in New York City
Goal is international co-operation Human rights peacekeeping International courts World Health Org. UNICEF

8 UN cont. Secretary General Ban Ki Moon from S. Korea 2 observers
Vatican City State of Palestine







15 WTO, World Bank, IMF Goals are to promote trade and lend money.

16 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
A military alliance Mutual defense in response to an outside attack. Involved in Yugoslavia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya conflicts


18 Group of 8 (G8) 8 leading industrialized countries Meet annually.

19 G8 G7 Russia was suspended for its role in the Crimean crisis. X

20 INTERPOL International Criminal Police Organization
Administrative liaison between member countries (190 members) and law enforcement agencies.

21 The Future of Supranationalism
Issues Supranational groups may ‘devolve’, fall apart like Yugoslavia The EU member states have failed to approve a constitution because of internal issues

22 NGO’s -- Non Government Organizations
Red Cross and Red Crescent CARE International

23 NGO’s -- Non-Government Organizations
NGO video

24 Extra Credit Create a flyer for a suprnational organization or NGO that the U.S. is a part of. Include their symbol, what they do, other members, etc.

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