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Welcome to Mr. Menta’s class!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Mr. Menta’s class!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Mr. Menta’s class!
Room 104

2 About me 5th year teaching- 4th year teaching Special Education
Wonder Team (8th Grade) Special Ed Teacher New to Lenape! LS Math / Co-teach Science / Study Skills Tennis Coach Taught in the School District of Philadelphia prior to CBSD 4th Grade: Webster Elementary LS Math 9-12: Northeast High School Areas of certification SPED K-12 Math 6-9 Citizenship Education 6-9 English 7-12 Elementary K-6

3 i-Ready Math Syllabus Workbook Component On-line Component Groups
Domains The Number System Ratio and Proportional Relationships Expressions and Equations Geometry Statistics and Probability

4 i-Ready Math Syllabus cont.
Homework- timed on-line and/or supplemental materials from class Notes will be taken in class and used to study for quizzes and tests Writing will be incorporated into math class Expectations: Follow directions Expected actions On time and prepared Respect Participate Failure to follow class rules will result in a warning. If followed by a positive choice, no further consequence will be assigned. If another warning is necessary, students may earn a lunch detention and/or a phone call home (depending on the situation).

5 Study Skills Syllabus Strategies Organization Note Taking Test Prep
Test Taking Writing Reports / Essays Reading Skills Listening Memory Motivation Concentration Time Management Transition

6 Study Skills Syllabus cont.
Notes will be taken in class and used to study for quizzes and tests Expectations: Follow directions Expected actions On time and prepared Respect Participate Failure to follow class rules will result in a warning. If followed by a positive choice, no further consequence will be assigned. If another warning is necessary, students may earn a lunch detention and/or a phone call home (depending on the situation).

7 Class structure Warm up Instruction Guided Practice
A warm up will be given to access prior knowledge from a previous less or to prepare students for a new lesson Instruction Students will be introduced to a new topic, or we will continue with new material from a topic that was already introduced Guided Practice Students and teacher(s) will work with groups as a whole to practice what was taught Individual Practice Students will use what they learned to exhibit new learning Exit ticket Students will answer a question or questions about the lesson to end class with a summative conclusion Part of class time will be devoted to working on assignments for other classes and receiving help as needed

8 IEP Case Manager I am responsible for coordinating instruction and related services for your son or daughter. I will coordinate the delivery of special education services and will be your primary contact. Primary responsibilities: assure compliance with procedural requirements communicate and coordinate among home, school, and other agencies, regular and special educational programs, facilitate placement, train classroom staff schedule team meetings.

9 Contact Info (267) ext. 1923 Teacher Website Team Websites Grade 8 Dream- Grade 8 Wonder-

10 Back to School Night Time Schedule
Schedule for BTSN Back to School Night Time Schedule Thursday, September 8, 2016 “A” Day 6:50 – 7: Homeroom 7:04 – 7:16 1st Period 7:20 – 7:32 2nd Period 7:36 – 7:48 3rd Period 7:52 – 8:04 4th Period 8:08 – 8:20 5th Period 8:24 – 8:36 6th Period

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