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Bioremediation: The current and the future

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1 Bioremediation: The current and the future
Graeme Paton Technical Director, Remedios Diarmuid O’Sullivan Senior Environmental Consultant

2 Bioremediation “ The act of stimulating the metabolism or co-metabolism of contaminants in the natural environment. Can be ex-situ, in-situ or involve natural attenuation” 6 months - 3 years (ex-situ usually quicker)

3 Decomposition of biopolymers
Endoenzyme Exoenzyme Extracellular enzymes ?? Endoenzyme Exoenzyme Dimers Monomers Cell Oxidation CO2 ½ O2 H2O

4 Tool Kit 3 components Induction Constraints Community

5 Induction Catabolic biosensors enable a prediction of the bioavailability of the target molecule in that matrix Hence if the genes for degradation are in the matrix, degradation is very likely

6 Tool Kit 3 components Induction Constraints Community

7 Procedure for lux-based assay
100 % % of the control luminescence 10 % Increasing toxicity

8 Tool Kit 3 components Induction Constraints Community

9 MPN- Tetrazolium Paton et al 2003

10 Site Location- Oil spill 1

11 Tool Kit- at oil spill Toxicity Induction mpn TPH

12 Kuwait Oil Lake- Oil spill 2
During the first Gulf war ( ) 50 million tonnes of soil was contaminated Air-borne oily material contaminated one thousand square kilometres of soil.

13 Systematic Grid

14 Can we predict? BF= Bioremediation
(f) [TPH] (f) availability (f) degraders (f) constraints Induction x [TPH] mpn BF= x (1-EC)

15 Prediction Once all of the data have been integrated an estimation of the likely case for degradation can be made Iroegbu et al., 2003

16 TPH Week 0 Week 15

17 Prediction v Actual

18 Prediction There is a close relationship between the predicted value and the actual hydrocarbon concentration. This could define the end-point Regular monitoring confirmed the progress of this work This has been extended to over twenty trials to assess the value of the data

19 Prediction Max specific deg rate mg TPH/ day Bioremediation Factor

20 Prediction Max specific deg rate mg TPH/ day Bioremediation Factor

21 Gaswork Site- 10,000 tonnes

22 Bulk chemical- 2,500 tonnes

23 Coupling Technologies

24 The Big Issues On four occasions we have been required to seed/ augment a biological treatment process. This is a growing issue and a commercial opportunity.

25 Bioaugmentation Agents
Inoc. Source Pre-condition 1, 2, 3, 4 Substrate Remedios Nutrients Soil Solution

26 Examples of Data

27 What does this mean? Oil Technics- cfu= 108; mpn- 107
Supplier 1- cfu= 106; mpn- 104 Supplier 2- cfu= 106; mpn- 105 Supplier 3- cfu= 104; mpn- 103 Oil Technics and precondition- cfu= 109; mpn- 107 Supplier 1 and precondition- cfu= 108; mpn- 105 Supplier 2 and precondition- cfu= 107; mpn- 106 Supplier 3 and precondition- cfu= 105; mpn- 103

28 Respiration Respiration Days

29 Degradation TPH Days

30 Prediction Max specific deg rate mg TPH/ day Bioremediation Factor

31 Prediction Max specific deg rate mg TPH/ day Bioremediation Factor

32 What does this mean Augmentation is possible
Steps are required to refine Immobilisation of wood is not ideal Cost issues and value of application need to be considered Need to focus and develop the skill-base

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