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How to write a perfect essay

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1 How to write a perfect essay
Flip Book

2 Essay Outline Introductory Paragraph (3-5 sentences long)
Body Paragraph #1 (8 sentences long) Body Paragraph #2 (8 sentences long) Body Paragraph #3 (8 sentences long) Concluding Paragraph (3-5 sentences long)

3 Introductory Paragraph
2-4 sentences of background + the thesis statement In the past, …… Today however,….. Over the years…… Today….. History show….. _____ was such an event In the past, few students brought cell phones to school. Today every student has one. History has shown recessions often follow periods of great growth. The 2008 recession was such an event.

4 Introductory paragraph
Startling statistic that begs a question Memorable quote that begs a question Nationwide only 6 out of every 10 high school freshman make it to graduation. Why does this happen? An Egyptian proverb says that time laughs at men, but the pyramids laugh at time. How where these structures that have lasted 3000 years built

5 Thesis Position + 3 reasons = Thesis Statement
Last sentence of the introduction Use parallel construction The map to your essay Position + 3 reasons = Thesis Statement

6 Examples of Thesis Statements with parallel construction
I agree with Russell that making adolescents wake up early for school is cruel because they need more sleep than other people, they need to stay up later, and they need sleep to be healthy. Parents are responsible for the growing obesity problem because parents teach eating habits, spending habits, and exercise habits. Obama makes a strong argument for involvement in Syria by using historical evidence, scenarios, and anecdotal evidence.

7 Topic and Sentences Refer back to thesis statement
1st reason in your thesis statement topic sentence of Body Paragraph 1 2nd reason in the thesis statement topic sentence of Body Paragraph 2 3rd reason in the thesis statement topic sentence of Body Paragraph 3 Add a transition word or phrase

8 Transition words and phrases Sample TS with transitions
Parents are responsible for the growing obesity problem because parents teach their children eating habits, spending habits, and exercise habits. Transition words and phrases Sample TS with transitions First, Then, Last First, Second, Third One reason, Another reason, A last reason ______, Also, Lastly ______, Another, Finally BP #1 Parents are responsible for obesity because they teach eating habits to their children. BP#2 Parents also teach spending habits to their children. BP#3 Lastly, children learn exercise habits from their parents.

9 Body Paragraph Outline
Topic Sentence (must match thesis) Concrete detail Commentary Concluding sentence (can be more commentary)

10 Quotes and Citations Every quote needs a lead-in
Quotes = textual evidence = concrete details Every quote needs a citation Every time you borrow the words of another writer or speaker, you must quote and cite Lead in, + “Quote,” + (Author’s Last Name page).

11 Lead-ins for textual evidence/concrete details
According to ___________, “ ___________ suggests that, “ ___________ points out that, “ ___________ argues that, “ “___________,” asserts Jason Huell. In ___________’s view, “

12 Verbs to use instead of said
argues writes points out concludes notes comments maintains suggests insists observes counters asserts states claims demonstrates explains reveals As Hannah Arendt points out in On Revolution, ”We must turn to Roman antiquity to find the first justification of war, together with the first notion that there are just and unjust wars” (Arendt 123).

13 Commentaries Your analysis
Show your depth of thought and your understanding of the textual evidence Be insightful Don’t just state the obvious Use transitional phrases

14 Commentary Sentence Starters
Without transitions With transitions This shows… This is important because… This illustrates… This is similar to… This indicates… This is in contrast to… This suggests This also implies… This also indicates… Additionally, this shows… Another significance is… Furthermore,… Moreover,… However,…

15 Concluding Sentences Last sentence in each body paragraph
Last thought on the reason explained in the paragraph Transitions to the new paragraph and/or Additional commentary and analysis

16 Examples of Concluding Sentences
commentary transition Without sufficient sleep, students cannot be expected to meet the rigors of school. If parents buy unhealthy food, their children will eat it and suffer the consequences. Not only is sleep needed to do well in school, students need sleep to be healthy. Not only do parents buy the food a family eats at home, parents also give their children spending money for the food they buy at school.

17 Concluding Paragraphs
3-5 sentences long Wrap it up, but avoid restating Make an analogy Champion a call to action Emphasize the significance

18 Make an analogy Compare your topic with a concrete object, historical event or familiar but broad concept. Explain that comparison over several sentences Too many teens are like zombies. Literally. Too many teens are aimlessly walking through school hallways everyday with a ravenous appetite and a foul mood. They leave behind them a trail of destruction, incomplete classwork, disheveled backpacks candy wrappers. Like the undead, they are not able to think clearly and focus. There is a cure, though. Teens need more sleep.

19 Call to action Tell the reader to take a stand
Tell the reader exactly what actions to take. Sleep depravation is harming teenagers and causing them to gain weight, become depressed and drop out. We need to stop this. Schools need to start later in the morning. Teens need to turn off their electronics early. Parents need to let their kids sleep 10 hours a day. We can end sleep depravation

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