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Minutes from Parish Council – 14 August 2017 (1)

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1 Minutes from Parish Council – 14 August 2017 (1)
Devotion & prayer (7:30-7:45) – Adrian (2nd Timothy Ch. 2 vs 1-7. The soldier looking for victory, the athlete looking for the prize and the farmer looking for crops and fruit. Bravery, sacrifice and hard work. Pray that our focus be the same. Apologies – Sharon Partlett, Cam Dunbar, James Frank and Paul Wileman Safe Ministry report (7:45-8:00) - Jacquie Sperinck & Linda Henry This is based on a template that is put out and we adjust as required. People with WCCC that have not completed Safe Ministry training have simply slipped between the cracks in terms of coming on board between training cycles. Need to also document our irregular activities, like KidsQuest Sundays etc. Training moving to online but we might still insist that at NAC we do it as a group in the Church, at last for the Essentials training portion. Need to implement a timetable to look at when we do our Safe Ministry training so we are ready to go for the year and not be reactive when we have an event coming up. Moving towards a system of online training for Essentials and Refresher, we need to determine if we can continue to offer Essentials physically and whether we will have a qualified trainer under the new system, there are some benefits to moving the Refresher Course to online only. It appears that in the future all people on the church site will need to have a WCCC clearance. PC noted a Vote of Thanks to Jacquie and Linda for all the extra work they have put in to meet requirements and for briefing PC on SM. KidsQuest report tabled with financials and budget, did not run at a loss but minimal profit (although that is simply a result rather than an aim). May consider an early bird rate for next year so we can get more registrations earlier and a better idea as to numbers. More boys than girls, greatest number of kids came from Northmead PS. Most schools were reluctant to allow us to distribute our flyers at their school which was disappointing. SH – can we improve or streamline advertising? AR – getting people through connections is the best way to reach people. AR prayed for both Jacquie and Linda and these ministries.

2 Minutes from Parish Council – 14 August 2017 (2)
Ministry update ( ) Realignment of congregations for 2018 – Adrian tabled two documents "Northmead Plans – Together is Better" and "Change Message 2018 – Draft". SH - With kids needing to be out at both morning services, the possibility is that there will be no KidsSpot, which would be a shame. Feedback to HB from numerous people is that they don't like doing KidsSpot. HB – do we need to include something that indicates we still aim to grow and consider a fourth congregation in 2019? BF – need to message this is a vehicle for growth and that the changes are a fresh start. SH – we need to ensure we keep teaching the word faithfully so that the people we send out are well equipped and are essentially church plants but in other congregations. AR – we are trying to grow people so they are more committed than they were 12 months ago, and look for opportunities to serve elsewhere. It's not all about numbers but our fruit is where people might end up. BF – how do we minister to the rapidly changing demographics in our suburbs? AR – how about running Christianity Explored in conjunction with ESL and Play Morning, we need to look into things like this. BF – how about planning church around things we already do, like moving some of our mid-week activities to a very casual church service? AR – we need a clearer evangelistic plan. For example, Why are we running things like Play Morning, the Christian content is small – so what is our plan here? Where is the pathway from our ministries into getting people coming to church and then growing them? Need some decisive actions and swift decisions made if we are to meet the desired merger of congregations from December (if this is the right outcome).

3 Minutes from Parish Council – 14 August 2017 (3)
AIM night - Potential MAPpers for 2018 At this stage we look line only having three MAPpers for 2018, four would better but only if the right people are available Adoption of Minutes and Business arising from previous meeting ( ) Painting in chapel and hall completed – vote of thanks to JJ for his efforts here – agreed, HB to write him an . A/C – summary of Frost/Majestic differences tabled, – PC agree to the Majestic quote, but SH would like an answer on the following items before signing off. (Following PC HB met with Majestic on Tuesday 16 August, here are their responses to SHs questions) Do we have the right amount of air movement for the number of people so there is not a CO2 build-up? Each cassette has a filter in the unit and the air goes through that – effectively this is the same principle as applies to a ducted system, just that the process takes place in the cassette rather than in some other unit. Their estimates in relation to the number of KW required are based on a closed building with people inside. Do the suspended units hang 3 metres off the ground or is it 3 metres from where someone is standing on a ladder? HB may have provided misleading information on this originally – the units will be suspended between 400m and 1.5m from the top of the ceiling (there are more detailed reasons for this), depending on exactly where they are positioned. Re: the 3m, that is the desired distance from the floor that you need to stand to reach the unit. How far off the floor are they? I think this is covered above Will they hang where they are in the road, visibility to the screen? As above, it appears they will be higher than HBs initial indications and so there should be no interference with the front screen. Exact locations will be determined by the installer, so Adrian and HB should possibly be on-site when they turn up for that assessment/installation. Could be an issue relation to the rear screen, as that is where they would want one of the devices to be situated (unless it is above the height of that screen) What about the fans? They suggest leaving the fans exactly where they are as these will assist with air flow, but cannot rule out having to move some if they occupy the prime location for the units. Note: they will remove the existing heater units. Want it installed in the first week of the holidays. They have indicated that this is not an issue, especially as we intend to agree to terms tomorrow.

4 Minutes from Parish Council – 14 August 2017 (4)
Carpet – decision as to when to proceed required in order to confirm work dates, colour? We agreed to installation in the second week, mid range is called "Korona 2" but the colour and style is not yet confirmed. Further to this, HB met briefly with Carpet Cutters this morning (15/8) and has left the sample book with colours at the office and staff will make decision by tomorrow so we can place an order this week and lock in dates. HB and FvS to look at making dollies for moving chairs around – held over until the next meeting, HB has mentioned the possibility to FvS but not got any further. Planning for Hall work in 2018 – HB has met with Noelene Cason, see attached - provided summary of paper. SH suggested we may able to use a private certifier to expedite the process. Update re: CPB grant (JF) – awaiting ACPT reply as to whether we have been successful in being able to re-allocate funds to new projects. If not, then we may consider asking them to consider a third option, the work in the Hall. Applications submitted for two Federal grants (HB) – preliminary applications lodged, awaiting reply as to whether we can proceed to a full application. Electrical repairs, waiting for David Partlett to return from holidays (HB) – no update, SP will follow up with him when they are both back from leave. Finance Report ( ) Finance report A/C and carpet costs to come out of the $23k leftover from the Building Fund and the remainder from the loan facility, fundraising to be used for the new building project rather than these projects (although still hopeful for some government grants). AOB Fire and technology update (PW) Foldback speaker Not sure if it has been purchased, check with Paul Wileman. Battery requirements Will Corbridge has provided rechargeable batteries. Technology Could PC consider purchasing an iMac for next year, this is desperately needed. Can Franky take-up the offer from a parishioner to purchase this, given we did not call on them for the WHAC laptop? Other ministry matters Agreed that ARs week off for a teaching ministry in NZ at the end of December would be paid but not part of his annual leave.

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