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Received from the estate of the London lawyer John Selden (d. 1654)

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Presentation on theme: "Received from the estate of the London lawyer John Selden (d. 1654)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Received from the estate of the London lawyer John Selden (d. 1654)
MAP OF CHINA Received from the estate of the London lawyer John Selden (d. 1654) in 1659. Approx. 1.5 x 1m. Drawn in the 1620s? MS.Selden supra 105

2 The province of Huguang 湖广
– divided into Hubei 湖北 and Hunan 湖南 in 1667 康熙六年

3 The Chinese compass To the Rykyus and thence to Japan

4 All routes begin at Quanzhou 泉州.

5 Part of the Philippines and Luzon 吕宋

6 A concentration of routes off what is now Singapore

7 Calicut 古里国, the westernmost
extremity of the map. The text tells how to reach: Aden 阿丹国 modern Oman [祖]法儿国 Straits of Hormuz 忽鲁谟斯

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