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All children have the right to education.

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2 All children have the right to education.
Our Principle All children have the right to education.

3 Goal ENTE considers itself a network on a European level for the further development of teaching and its setting according to the specific educational needs of children from travelling families. ENTE has no members with formal membership and contribution. So ENTE has no money. It is a voluneer work of interested people. But we have problems to come to meetings as this.

4 Organisation/Structure
Service Points General Assembly Presidium You will see the tasks of this three parts of ENTE at the next pictures. A big goal shall be, to organize a great European Congress with all partners, professions, guildes, Schools, reperesentatives to get more and better communication and information Europe wide.

5 Helga Sinner (Treasurer) Jan Roest (Vice-President)
Presidium Presidium Helga Sinner (Treasurer) Jan Roest (Vice-President) Martin Treichel (President)

6 Presidium (extended) Extended Presidium NN Oliver Thier Nina Crommelin
Birgid Oertel Albert Ritter Annette Schwer Thomas Zimmer-mann NN Oliver Thier Nina Crommelin

7 Tasks “Service Points”
Contact for parents, children and organisations in educational matters Nomination of national and regional contact persons, teachers and schools Support of the interaction between national and regional databases for the documentation and the advancement of pupils’ careers Running contact with the EUROPEAN SERVICE POINT Geldermalsen The SERVICE POINT is the bureau of ENTE. This task is done by the SRS of Netherlands. We are very gratful for this solution. We hoipe it willexists in the future, too.

8 Tasks “European Service Point”
Co-ordination of the national Service Points Exchange of ideas, information and products Support in accepting / handing over children that travel across national borders Assistance for national service points, parents and schools in neighbouring countries in schooling children who travel abroad

9 Tasks “Presidium” Presi- dium Implementation of the conclusions of the General Assembly Steering ENTE Organisation Representation of ENTE at events (Monte Carlo, Wiesbaden…) Contacts with the EU-Parliament and Commission Support of the ENTE-Extended Presidium

10 Tasks “General Assembly”
Conclusions to the program and work of ENTE Election of the Presidium and Extended Presidium

11 Tasks Extended Presidium
Developing EU-Project „EUNET" Implementation of pedagogical projects/concepts as „ Learning Supporters“) Edition of the ENTE-Newsletters Providing the Responsibilities for EU-Countries

12 Funding Realizing of European Projects Fee of ENTE-members
Paid services ?(we have to discuss)

13 The Current 5 ENTE -Themes
1 EUNET-Project (with an Europe wide pedagogical congress; we are looking for project-partners) 2 Project “Learn Supporters” 3 Website and Newsletter 4 Support of national actions 5 Extension of SERVICE POINTS (in every country 1 Service Point)

14 Visions Expansion of the network through all European countries as extensive as possible and Integration of additional mobile reference groups


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