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The Sermon on the Mount Steps of Jesus

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1 The Sermon on the Mount Steps of Jesus
Matthew 5: 17-20











12 True Righteousness or False Righteousness
Saints or Pharisees 3 Reasons for the Sermon To Demonstrate True Righteousness To Describe the Laws of the Kingdom To differentiate OT and Pharisees

13 3 Common Mistakes with the Sermon on the Mount:
Not Nations but Individuals Not Unbelievers but Saved Not Christian Law but Life by the Holy Spirit Is the Sermon on the Mount for the Church age or just the Kingdom? 6:10- Why add this request in Prayer? 6:13- Why end a Prayer this Way? 6:19- Will there be thieves in the Kingdom? 7:15- Will there be False Prophets in the Kingdom?

14 Righteous or a Pharisee?
Righteousness is first Inward not Outward-5:21-22 Sin is a Matter of Heart and Action- “Ye Have heard it said” 5: 31-48 Righteousness is to be seen by God not Men-6:1-18 God First, Money Second 6:19-34 Fruit Inspection Not Judging- 7: 1-6 & 16-23

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