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Welcome to Day Seven.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Day Seven."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Day Seven

2 Agenda Number Talk Linear Function Video Cases Break Letter Vessels
Lunch Bottle Filling Pouring and Filling Reflection

3 Number Talk Greater than 1 or less than 1? ½ ¼

4 Solving the Task

5 Analyzing the Task Compare your results with a partner.
How do your rules compare? How does your rule relate to the logo pattern? Discuss in small group: Compare this Logo to Regina’s Logo. What is similar? What is different? What accounts for the difference?

6 Preparing to View Video
Norms for viewing teacher video. Make notes of important and/or significant aspects of the video. Video Transcriptions

7 Video 1: “Amelia & Mark’s Methods”

8 Video Discussion Consider these questions individually, then discuss with a partner. What evidences of student thinking did you observe? What was an important point you noticed in the video? Where there any evidences of the SMP’s?

9 Possible Solutions

10 Math Notes What SMP’s did you find yourself engaging in with the task?
What was mathematically significant for you as you interacted with the task, task strategies and videos? What are the important mathematical ideas you want to remember about this session?


12 Letter Vessels


14 Bottle Filling


16 Bottle Filling

17 Pouring and Filling Pouring and Filling Applet (Link is on COMP website on Resources page.)

18 Curriculum Connections
Review the CCSSM Algebra Standards for your grade level. How do the activities today align with the algebra expectations at your grade level? How will you use the activities next year with students?

19 Time of Reflection Take a few moments to reflect on SMP’s connected to the content tasks we did today. -- Name of the task and related SMP’s -- Evidence for the chosen SMP’s -- Jot down how you contributed to our shared community of professionals and what mathematical and/or pedagogical knowledge you are taking away from today.

20 Be Safe …....See you tomorrow!

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