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Battle of the Bulge Winter 1944-1945.

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Presentation on theme: "Battle of the Bulge Winter 1944-1945."— Presentation transcript:

1 Battle of the Bulge Winter

2 Not that battle!!!

3 The Goal Split the Allies in half Prevent their taking of Germany
Prevent ability to re-supply themselves

4 The Attack Plan

5 The Beginning December 16,1944 Hitler believed alliance was not strong
Felt a major defeat would break the Allies

6 The Sides

7 Master Plan 6th Panzer Army, Sepp Dietrich, to capture Antwerp
5th Panzer Army, Manteuffel, attack Americans, capture St. Vith, and head to Brussels 7th Army, prevent American reinforcements, Brandenberger

8 Uh-Oh

9 Master Plan 2 Fifteenth army, held in reserve, to counter any Allied attack. Would attack: Canada’s 1st, United States’ 1st and 9th, and Britain’s 2nd Army.

10 Absurd Plan!

11 Battle Begins 2 hour bombardment
Followed bombardment with an armored attack Allies were surprised German spies used for false information

12 Penalty Enforced

13 Issues Success of Germans did not last long Loss of fuel
Tanks needed fuel Air counter attack: 12/22/1944

14 Air Attack

15 German Counterattack 12/21/1944: German jets bomb rail yards
Attempt to disrupt Allies resupply efforts Success in air, meaningless on the ground.

16 Air Attacks

17 Stalemate New Year’s 1945: Germany established a 2nd front at Holland
Mid-January 1945: Germans abandoned their tanks

18 If it cranks, its yours

19 Even the best leave 1st SS Panzer Division walks home
Led by Joachim Piper They were the top Panzer Division in this battle

20 Not Pleasant

21 The Figures 600,000 American troops involved Americans: Lost 81,000
Germans: Lost 100,000 Killed, captured, or wounded

22 von Rundstedt “all, absolutely all, conditions for the possible success of such an offensive were completely lacking.”

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