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Technical Theatre Sound Frequency 5/8/2019.

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1 Technical Theatre Sound Frequency 5/8/2019

2 Objectives Today you will learn about sound frequencies and pressure.
You will also learn about how various aspects of sound are measured. Property of CTE Joint Venture 5/8/2019

3 Terminology Complete the Vocabulary Squares for the Following:
Frequency Peak Trough Pitch Hertz Amplitude Decibel Property of CTE Joint Venture 5/8/2019

4 Terminology Frequency
The number of cycles per unit of time of a wave. Go to to access .wav files demonstrating sounds. Property of CTE Joint Venture

5 Terminology Peak Trough Pitch
The top of a wave. Wavelength is measured peak to peak. Trough The bottom of a wave. Pitch The height or depth of a tone dependent upon the rapidity of vibrations. Property of CTE Joint Venture 5/8/2019

6 Terminology Hertz Amplitude Decibel
Hz. A unit of frequency measured in cycles per second. Named for Heinrich Rudolph Hertz. Amplitude The volume of a sound measured from peak to trough. Decibel dB. The measure of sound pressure. Property of CTE Joint Venture 5/8/2019

7 Terminology Decibel – The measure used to determine the sound pressure level given a reference of zero. This is important as the pressure of the sound is what damages the hearing organ. Property of CTE Joint Venture 5/8/2019

8 Understanding Decibels
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9 Decibels Property of CTE Joint Venture 5/8/2019

10 Decibels 5/8/2019

11 Closure Exit Ticket- Write a letter to a friend explaining the learning today and your reaction to it. Property of CTE Joint Venture 5/8/2019

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