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Mental & Emotional Health

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Presentation on theme: "Mental & Emotional Health"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mental & Emotional Health
Improving MEH

2 Grading Project grade of 56 points

3 Student Skill Expectation: You will be able to…
Analyze the role of individual responsibility in enhancing personal mental and emotional health.1

4 Self-Management Model2
Let’s come back to our model.

5 Personal Responsibility
Reflect back on your identified needs. Look at your #8 and your other ranked behaviors. Choose and write one behavior you want to change and take more responsibility for. Then, explain why.

6 Concepts, Skills, and Resources
Reflect back on your MEH interview. Look at what that person knows (concepts), can do (skills), uses (resources). Write in at least two concepts, skills, and resources that you need to improve the behavior you want to change.

7 Self-Management Model2
We’ll come back to this later.

8 Student Skill Expectation: You will be able to…
Generate alternatives when making a mental and emotional health-related decision.1

9 Decision-Making Model3

10 Identify Decision You have already identified a decision you want to make for improving your MEH. You have also identified the concepts, skills, and resources you need to improve.

11 Brainstorm Options Let’s first think about what we are currently doing. There is a reason why we want to improve on a particular MEH behavior. What is the unhealthy option you are choosing related to the decision/MEH behavior you want to change?

12 Brainstorm Options Now it’s time to think about what you can do differently to improve your MEH. Brainstorm two healthier options related to the decision/MEH behavior you want to change. Look back at the concepts, skills, and resources you came up with.

13 Student Skill Expectation: You will be able to…
Predict potential short-term and long-term consequences of alternatives to mental and emotional health-related decisions.1

14 Identify Possible Outcomes
Now predict potential short-term and long-term effects for each of the decisions you were just analyzing. Short-term effects are consequences between now and the near future and long-term effects are consequences “down the road.”

15 Decision-Making Model3
Now, we are going to focus on making the decision to improve our MEH.

16 Student Skill Expectation: You will be able to…
Set a realistic personal goal to improve or maintain positive emotional health.1

17 Goal Setting Model4

18 Identify a Goal Your goal will be based the MEH behavior you want to change and one of the healthier options you came up with. Your goal will need to be SMART.


20 Specific Bad: I will be healthier expressing my feelings to others.
Good: I will express my feelings by writing in a journal.


22 Measurable Bad: I will express my feelings by writing in a journal.
Good: I will express my feelings each day by writing in a journal for 30 minutes.


24 Achievable Bad: I will express my feelings by writing in a journal every hour. Good: I will express my feelings by writing in a journal each day for 30 minutes.


26 Realistic (To You) Bad: I will express my feelings by writing in a journal for one hour. Good: I will express my feelings by drawing in a journal each day for 15 minutes.


28 Timely Bad: I will express my feelings by drawing in a journal each day for 15 minutes. Good: Over the next five days, I will express my feelings by drawing in a journal each day for 15 minutes.

29 SMART Good: Over the next five days, I will express my feelings by drawing in a journal each day for 15 minutes. Yes or No?

30 Identify a Goal Write your 5-day SMART goal.
Ask a partner to check that you met all the SMART criteria.

31 Student Skill Expectation: You will be able to…
Develop a plan to achieving a goal to improve or maintain positive emotional health.1

32 Make An Action Plan Complete the action plan by starting with three steps you must take. Think about the concepts, skills, are resources you previously came up with.

33 Making An Action Plan Now that you have a plan developed, accomplishing your goal should start to take shape. We will continue to think about our goal, but for now, we are going to focus on the first step.

34 Student Skill Expectation: You will be able to…
Choose a healthy alternative when making a mental and emotional health-related decision.1

35 Decision-Making Model3
You are now going to try to make the decision and choose a healthier option by following the first step in your action plan.

36 Reflect on Decision Try to complete your first step.
Report on how well it worked, how difficult it was, and have someone sign as a witness.

37 References Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [Internet]. Adolescent and School Health, Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (HECAT). c2012– [cited 2013 Jan 15]. Available from: (2018). Self-Management Model. Retrieved from DLVZLX2NDUzA4N1U/view

38 References (2018). Decision-Making Model. Retrieved from DVWJFVUlyeDJrTWM/view (2018). Goal Setting Model. Retrieved from DUjZsOXJoQ0IzbUE/view

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