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1 Warmup

2 Lecture Ch. 3 Sec. 1 The 6 Basic Principles

3 1. Popular Sovereignty People are the only source of governmental power The people rule The people created the government in the first place, by creating the Constitution

4 2. Limited government Related to popular sovereignty
Government is NOT all-powerful It may do only those things the people have given it the power to do Rule of law

5 3. Separation of Powers No unitary government
3 distinct branches of government: Legislative Executive Judicial

6 4. Checks and Balances Relates to separation of powers
Each branch has ways to “check” the powers of the other, thereby “balancing” the government

7 5. Judicial Review One of the checks and balances
Courts have the power to declare legislative laws or presidential actions unconstitutional Marbury v. Madison P.802

8 6. Federalism Relates to separation of powers
The division of power among a central government and several regional governments

9 Review Ch. 3 Sec. 2 Formally Amending the Constitution
Amendment -Changes to the written words of the Constitution Bill of Rights -The first ten amendments to the Constitution

10 4 ways to formally amend the Constitution

11 Group Project Each group will be assigned one of the six basic principles of the Constitution. On your poster paper, please creatively display the following information about your principle: 1. Term (Title) 2. Definition 3. Why (Importance of principle) 4. How (One example) 5. Symbol/Illustration

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