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The Highway man.

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Presentation on theme: "The Highway man."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Highway man

2 And dark in the dark old inn yard a stable wicket creaked.

3 Where Tim the Ostler listened his face was white and peaked.

4 His eyes were hollows of madness and his hair like mouldy hay.

5 But he loved the landlords daughter.

6 The landlords red lipped daughter .

7 Dumb as a dog he listened and he heard the robber say.

8 He did not come in the dawning he did not come at noon

9 And out the tawny sunset before the rise of the moon

10 When the road was a gypsy's ribbon looping the purple moor

11 A red coat troop came marching, marching, marching.

12 King George’s men came marching up to the old inn door.

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