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Author Affiliation(s)

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Presentation on theme: "Author Affiliation(s)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Author Affiliation(s)
Primary Author Phone Primary Author

2 Presentation Overview/Outline
Introduction to the problem Key topics to be discussed Research/work performed Key findings/takeaways

3 Presentation Guidelines
Presentation guideline overview Please use standard template fonts (Calibri, Calibri Light) Minimum font size is 18 pt Provide symbol definitions for equations where appropriate Minimize excessive wording, unless absolutely necessary Maximize plot size for easy audience viewing Ensure plots/figures have legible axes, labels 14-pt font equivalent size recommended (as presented on slide) Company logo can be placed on Title or Overview slides Please refrain from excessive branding Presentation length is 15 minutes; 3 minutes for questions Recommend slides Presentations will be cut off at time limit to make sure we keep on schedule

4 Figure Guidelines Define symbols in figures as necessary
Ensure figures have legible axes/labels (recommend 14-pt or larger equivalent font on slide) Maximize figure size for ease of viewing for audience Common symbols don’t need defining Only place key information on slide so that it can be easily understood!

5 Blank slide for custom requirements (e.g., videos)

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