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The Search for Exomoons

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1 The Search for Exomoons
David Kipping, UCL 23th September 2008 Acknowledgements: Giovanna Tinetti, Alan Aylward, Ignasi Ribas, Jean-Philippe Beaulieu, Steve Fossey, the HOLMES collaboration

2 Motivation Detection Methods The TDV Effect
What is an Exomoon? A smaller, natural satellite that orbits an extrasolar planet. 2/18 Molecules 2008, D. Kipping

3 Motivation Detection Methods The TDV Effect
What is an Exomoon? A smaller, natural satellite that orbits an extrasolar planet. There are no known exomoons, but their existence is theorized around many exoplanets. 2/18 Molecules 2008, D. Kipping

4 Motivation Detection Methods The TDV Effect
What is an Exomoon? A smaller, natural satellite that orbits an extrasolar planet. There are no known exomoons, but their existence is theorized around many exoplanets. 2/18 Molecules 2008, D. Kipping

5 Motivation Detection Methods The TDV Effect
Why Look for Exomoons? A novel detection and proof of principle. 3/18 Molecules 2008, D. Kipping

6 Motivation Detection Methods The TDV Effect
Why Look for Exomoons? A novel detection and proof of principle. 3/18 Molecules 2008, D. Kipping

7 Why Look for Exomoons? A novel detection and proof of principle.
Motivation Current Methods The TDV Effect Why Look for Exomoons? A novel detection and proof of principle. Sartoretti & Schneider 1999 Szabo et al. 2006 Simon et al. 2007 Kipping 2008 3/18 Molecules 2008, D. Kipping

8 Motivation Detection Methods The TDV Effect
Why Look for Exomoons? A novel detection and proof of principle. Exomoons are likely to be < MEARTH and rocky. 3/18 Molecules 2008, D. Kipping

9 Motivation Detection Methods The TDV Effect
Why Look for Exomoons? A novel detection and proof of principle. Exomoons are likely to be < MEARTH and rocky. Belbruno & Gott 2005 Valencia et al. 2006 Canup & Ward 2007 3/18 Molecules 2008, D. Kipping

10 Motivation Detection Methods The TDV Effect
Why Look for Exomoons? A novel detection and proof of principle. Exomoons are likely to be < MEARTH and rocky. Complex life may not form on exoplanets without large moons. 3/18 Molecules 2008, D. Kipping

11 Motivation Detection Methods The TDV Effect
Why Look for Exomoons? A novel detection and proof of principle. Exomoons are likely to be < MEARTH and rocky. Complex life may not form on exoplanets without large moons. 3/18 Molecules 2008, D. Kipping

12 Motivation Detection Methods The TDV Effect
Why Look for Exomoons? A novel detection and proof of principle. Exomoons are likely to be < MEARTH and rocky. Complex life may not form on exoplanets without large moons. Laskar et al. 1993 Ward & Brownlee 2000 Waltham 2004 Lathe 2005 3/18 Molecules 2008, D. Kipping

13 Motivation Detection Methods The TDV Effect
Why Look for Exomoons? A novel detection. Exomoons are likely to be < MEARTH. Complex life may not form on exoplanets without large moons. There may be more habitable exomoons than exoplanets. 3/18 Molecules 2008, D. Kipping

14 Motivation Detection Methods The TDV Effect
Why Look for Exomoons? A novel detection. Exomoons are likely to be < MEARTH. Complex life may not form on exoplanets without large moons. There may be more habitable exomoons than exoplanets. 3/18 Molecules 2008, D. Kipping

15 Motivation Detection Methods The TDV Effect
Why Look for Exomoons? A novel detection. Exomoons are likely to be < MEARTH. Complex life may not form on exoplanets without large moons. There may be more habitable exomoons than exoplanets. Scharf 2008 Thommes et al. 2008 3/18 Molecules 2008, D. Kipping

16 Motivation Detection Methods The TDV Effect
Why Look for Exomoons? A novel detection. Exomoons are likely to be < MEARTH. Complex life may not form on exoplanets without large moons. There may be more habitable exomoons than exoplanets. Implications for planetary formation theory. 3/18 Molecules 2008, D. Kipping

17 Motivation Detection Methods The TDV Effect
Direct Imaging? Brightness ratio  1:1010. An Earth-sized body 0.02 micro arcseconds. Current interferometric precision 25 micro arcseconds (Baines et al. 2007) 4/18 Molecules 2008, D. Kipping

18 Motivation Detection Methods The TDV Effect
Direct Imaging? Brightness ratio  1:1010. An Earth-sized body 0.02 micro arcseconds. Current interferometric precision 25 micro arcseconds (Baines et al. 2007) NWO Proposal 4/18 Molecules 2008, D. Kipping

19 Motivation Detection Methods The TDV Effect
Direct Imaging? Brightness ratio  1:1010. An Earth-sized body 0.02 micro arcseconds. Current interferometric precision 25 micro arcseconds (Baines et al. 2007) => Directly imaging an exomoon is currently impossible. NWO Proposal 4/18 Molecules 2008, D. Kipping

20 Motivation Detection Methods The TDV Effect
Radial Velocity? Radial velocity (Doppler spectroscopy) measures the wobble of the host star due to a planet. This method would be insensitive to a planet + moon system. 5/18 Molecules 2008, D. Kipping

21 Motivation Detection Methods The TDV Effect
Radial Velocity? Radial velocity (Doppler spectroscopy) measures the wobble of the host star due to a planet. This method would be insensitive to a planet + moon system. 5/18 Molecules 2008, D. Kipping

22 Motivation Detection Methods The TDV Effect
Radial Velocity? Radial velocity (Doppler spectroscopy) measures the wobble of the host star due to a planet. This method would be insensitive to a planet + moon system. => Radial velocity cannot be used to detect exomoons. 5/18 Molecules 2008, D. Kipping

23 Motivation Detection Methods The TDV Effect
Occultation? Could we look for the dip in star light due to an exomoon’s shadow? 6/18 Molecules 2008, D. Kipping

24 Motivation Detection Methods The TDV Effect
The Transit Method Winn et al. 2008 7/18 Molecules 2008, D. Kipping

25 Motivation Detection Methods The TDV Effect
Occultation? Planet transit + Exomoon transit Simon et al. 2007 8/18 Molecules 2008, D. Kipping

26 Motivation Detection Methods The TDV Effect
Occultation? Problem 1: Transit of moon is very small. Require space-based telescope to do 2.5 MEARTH. Ballard et al. 2008 8/18 Molecules 2008, D. Kipping

27 Motivation Detection Methods The TDV Effect
Occultation? Problem 2: Average position of moon results in lightcurves overlapping: indistinguishable. Cabrera & Schneider 2005 8/18 Molecules 2008, D. Kipping

28 Motivation Detection Methods The TDV Effect
Occultation? Could we look for the dip in star light due to an exomoon’s shadow? => Possible, but somewhat insensitive to low mass objects. 9/18 Molecules 2008, D. Kipping

29 Motivation Detection Methods The TDV Effect
10/18 Molecules 2008, D. Kipping

30 Motivation Detection Methods The TDV Effect
11/18 Molecules 2008, D. Kipping

31 Motivation Detection Methods The TDV Effect
12/18 Molecules 2008, D. Kipping

32 Transit Time Variation (TTV)
Motivation Detection Methods The TDV Effect Transit Time Variation (TTV) 13/18 Molecules 2008, D. Kipping

33 Transit Time Variation (TTV)
Motivation Detection Methods The TDV Effect Transit Time Variation (TTV) 13/18 Molecules 2008, D. Kipping

34 Transit Time Variation (TTV)
Motivation Detection Methods The TDV Effect Transit Time Variation (TTV) 13/18 Molecules 2008, D. Kipping

35 Transit Time Variation (TTV)
Motivation Detection Methods The TDV Effect Transit Time Variation (TTV) 13/18 Molecules 2008, D. Kipping

36 Motivation Detection Methods The TDV Effect
The Problem with TTV Lots of things can cause TTV, not just exomoons. Prof. Holman called this the ‘inverse-problem’. 14/18 Molecules 2008, D. Kipping

37 Motivation Detection Methods The TDV Effect
The Problem with TTV Lots of things can cause TTV, not just exomoons. Prof. Holman called this the ‘inverse-problem’. TTV  MMOON aMOON 1 measureable, 2 unknowns => Can’t solve! 14/18 Molecules 2008, D. Kipping

38 Motivation Detection Methods The TDV Effect
The Transit Method (7/18) Molecules 2008, D. Kipping

39 Motivation Detection Methods The TDV Effect
(12/18) Molecules 2008, D. Kipping

40 Transit Duration Variation (TDV)
Motivation Detection Methods The TDV Effect Transit Duration Variation (TDV) 15/18 Molecules 2008, D. Kipping

41 Transit Duration Variation (TDV)
Motivation Detection Methods The TDV Effect Transit Duration Variation (TDV) 15/18 Molecules 2008, D. Kipping

42 Transit Duration Variation (TDV)
Motivation Detection Methods The TDV Effect Transit Duration Variation (TDV) 15/18 Molecules 2008, D. Kipping

43 TTV + TDV = A Unique Signature
Motivation Detection Methods The TDV Effect TTV + TDV = A Unique Signature The TDV signals lags behind the TTV signal by 90o. TTV  TDV  1-10 seconds . TTV and TDV allow you to solve for both the mass and orbital radius of the exomoon. 16/18 Molecules 2008, D. Kipping

44 Motivation Detection Methods The TDV Effect
Sensitivity An Earth mass exomoon is detectable from the ground with current instruments! 17/18 Molecules 2008, D. Kipping

45 The Holy Grail of Exomoons
Motivation Detection Methods The TDV Effect The Holy Grail of Exomoons Consider a Neptune –like planet around an M-dwarf on a 35-day period => Goldilocks zone. Consider an Earth mass exomoon orbiting this planet. TTV  140s and TDV  60s. Typical TTV error  10s Typical TDV error  20s. => Very secure detection of a habitable Earth-like body! 18/18 Molecules 2008, D. Kipping

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