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TGy Jan Opening Report Date: 2008-01-14 Authors: January 2008
doc.: IEEE /0080r1 January 2008 TGy Jan Opening Report Date: Authors: Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
January 2008 doc.: IEEE /0080r1 January 2008 Abstract This submission summarizes the TGy agenda for IEEE Taipei (January 2008) meeting Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
Opening Report January 2008 January 2008 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0080r1
Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
Attendance Recording -802.11
January 2008 doc.: IEEE /0080r1 January 2008 Attendance Recording Sign-in at newton “newton” is a local server, not reachable via a VPN “newton” is active only during sessions <-2 hours/ea First “sign in” to provide contact information Only name and affiliation may be posted publicly, as per IEEE rules No other personal information will not be publicly available Second, log attendance Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
TGy – January 2008 January 2008 Call Meeting to Order
doc.: IEEE /0080r1 January 2008 TGy – January 2008 Call Meeting to Order Policies and Procedures, Attendance reminder: **IEEE Patent Policy Are there any patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) that the participant believes may be essential for the use of that standard? Minute any responses that were given, specifically the patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of the patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) that were identified (if any) and by whom. ***Affiliation FAQ - Anti-Trust FAQ - Ethics - IEEE Policies and Procedures - IEEE 802 Policies and Procedures - ** Read slide deck *** Note especially items #7 & #11 Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
January 2008 doc.: IEEE /0080r1 January 2008 Copyright Under the current US copyright law — the author of information is deemed to own the copyright from the moment of creation The IEEE Bylaws require copyright of all material to be held by the IEEE Must consult with IEEE for re-use of copyright material The IEEE Standards accomplishes transfer of copyright ownership through the Project Authorization Request (PAR) process The Copyright Act of 1976 made a dramatic change to U.S. copyright law. Copyright was now deemed to exist from the moment of creation. Thus anything that is created is deemed to be owned by its creator. Additionally, a work no longer needs to be published in order to be protected. Therefore, even your scribbles on a piece of note paper constitute copyrighted material that you own and control. The NII (National Information Infrastructure) and the GII (Global Information Infrastructure) are causing lawmakers and copyright owners to assess the ability of current copyright law to protect owners rights in a digital environment. While at this point the changes being talked about are not significant, they will make it clear that copyright protection is afforded to owners in the digital environment making it a requirement to honor the rights accorded to owners. It is a requirement under the IEEE Bylaws that copyright ownership of all material published by the IEEE resides with the IEEE. The Standards Department accomplishes the transfer of copyright ownership from the volunteer authors to the Institute via the Project Authorization Request (PAR) form. Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
January 2008 doc.: IEEE /0080r1 January 2008 Equipment Well-dressed criminals often enter meetings and steal laptops, PDAs, and similar devices Do not leave your devices unattended!! Make sure you log your attendance Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
TGy Goals for Taipei Schedule SB Comment Resolution and recirculation
January 2008 doc.: IEEE /0080r1 January 2008 TGy Goals for Taipei Schedule SB Comment Resolution and recirculation Planning through March 2008 Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
TGy Agenda Tuesday 08:00 January 2008 January 2008
doc.: IEEE /0080r1 January 2008 TGy Agenda Tuesday 08:00 * CBP TG Meeting Call To Order - Chair 1 08:00 Review IEEE/802 & Policies and Rules Chair/All 8 08:01 Approve or Modify Agenda 5 08:09 II Review and Approve All Minutes 10 08:14 DT Set, Review Objectives All 08:24 Review of situation 08:29 Expected SB comment areas 30 08:39 Planning through March 08 and Motions for WG 51 09:09 Adjourn 0 10:00 Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
January 2008 doc.: IEEE /0080r1 January 2008 Motions (1) Motion: Move to approve TGy agenda in r0 as the agenda for the Taipei meeting. Moved by: Seconded by: Vote: Motion: Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
Minutes review Any Modifications of the Minutes from CBP-TG
January 2008 doc.: IEEE /0080r1 January 2008 Minutes review Any Modifications of the Minutes from CBP-TG Atlanta 07/2827r0; Any Modifications of the Minutes from teleconference Dec 11th 07/2956r0 Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
January 2008 doc.: IEEE /0080r1 January 2008 Motions (2) Motion: Move to approve TGy minutes of meetings and teleconferences from Atlanta plenary to today: Atlanta 07/2827r0; teleconference Dec 11th 07/2956r0 Moved: Rich K. (ETS-Lindgren) Second: Eldad P, (Intel Corp) Vote: unanimous approval Motion: Passes Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
PAR Scope, Purpose Scope of Proposed Project:
January 2008 doc.: IEEE /0080r1 January 2008 PAR Scope, Purpose Scope of Proposed Project: The scope of the proposed project is the application of based systems to the MHz band in the USA. Purpose of Proposed Project: The purpose of this project is to standardize the mechanisms required to allow shared operation with other users in the MHz band in the USA. Likely required mechanisms include: Specification of new regulatory classes (extending j) Sensing of other transmitters (extending a) Transmit Power Control (extending h) Dynamic Frequency Selection (extending h) Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
TGy Purpose, Principles
January 2008 doc.: IEEE /0080r1 January 2008 TGy Purpose, Principles Purpose : the Task Group should create an amendment whose implementation in solutions is likely to receive FCC approval for operation in MHz under the 47 CFR 90 subpart z rules. Principles : If the FCC changes the rules, the Task Group should change the amendment accordingly. The amendment should not duplicate functionality that is being standardized in other Task Groups that are likely to complete before y. (Examples include parts of k and w) There is no need for backwards compatibility with 2.45 GHz ISM operation. The amendment should exclude some optional MAC and PHY behaviour, e.g. Point Coordination Function, FH, DSSS, and ERP. Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
January 2008 doc.: IEEE /0080r1 January 2008 Vision/Outcome Use the OFDM PHY with 5-, 10- and 20-MHz channel widths, and extend DFS to operate with other primary band users, to specify the basis for a system that the FCC can approve for operation in the US MHz band. Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
Proposal of 06/1023r0 The way forward for TGy
January 2008 doc.: IEEE /0080r1 January 2008 Proposal of 06/1023r0 The way forward for TGy Clause 17 OFDM PHY, TPC and DFS procedures, use a non-overlapping channel plan, improve CCA for coexistence, use 5-, 10-, 20-MHz channel widths, and Regulatory Class/Coverage Class for outdoor operation Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
Four Themes of TGy Interference Identification and Resolution,
January 2008 doc.: IEEE /0080r1 January 2008 Four Themes of TGy Interference Identification and Resolution, Enablement, Energy Detect operation with the clause 17 PHY, and Mechanisms for use by licensees to control dependent stations. Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
TGy Work completed to 15 Jan, 2008
January 2008 doc.: IEEE /0080r1 January 2008 TGy Work completed to 15 Jan, 2008 WG Letter Ballot was conducted on P802.11y D6.0, 36 comments are recorded in 07/2945r1 LB116 results (as announced 17 December by WG chair) Voter pool 347, 327 ballots received Approved 271, Do not approve 2, Abstain 54 (approval rate 99.27%, passes) P802.11y Sponsor Ballot Report 07/2958r0, and LMSC correspondence accepted by ExCom P802.11y Sponsor Ballot of P802.11y_D7.0 began Dec 21st, closing Jan 30th, 2008. Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
Recirculation ballot Negative vote comments
January 2008 doc.: IEEE /0080r1 January 2008 Recirculation ballot Negative vote comments IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual Do Not Approve (Negative with comment). This vote must be accompanied by one or more specific objections with proposed resolution in sufficient detail in a legible form so that the specific wording of the changes that will cause the negative voter to change his or her vote to "approve" can readily be determined. The Sponsor shall encourage the submission of comments with all negative ballots. If a negative vote unaccompanied by comments, or a negative vote accompanied by comments not related to the proposal under consideration, is received despite these instructions, the vote shall be counted in the total tally of votes as a "negative without comment." Any comments that are explicitly identified not to be part of the negative vote shall be treated as Approve (Affirmative) comments, and action on such comments is left to the discretion of the Sponsor. Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
Recirculation Comment classifications
January 2008 doc.: IEEE /0080r1 January 2008 Recirculation Comment classifications Accept Accept in Principle (Accepted but revised) Reject Out of Scope “[Negative comments] shall be based only on the changed portions of the balloted document, clauses affected by the changes, or portions of the balloted document that are the subject of the unresolved negative votes.” Reporting categories – Technical, Editorial, General Changes in the document “Changes may be made in the document to resolve negative votes that are accompanied by comments or for other reasons.” Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
January 2008 Motions (3) To authorize an y ad hoc Sponsor Ballot comment resolution meeting on February 11th and 12th in San Jose, CA starting at 12:00 ET Moved: Rich K (ETS-Lindgren) Second: Brian H. (Cisco Systems) Vote: Unanimous approval Motion: Passes Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
January 2008 doc.: IEEE /0080r1 January 2008 Motions (4) Motion: Move to approve the comment resolutions for the y Sponsor Ballot, conditional on that ballot passing, and to reaffirm all comment resolutions in the opening meeting of 's next plenary. Moved: Rich K (ETS-Lindgren) Second: Doug Chan (Cisco Systems) Vote: 5-0-0 Motion: Passes Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
Process of Getting to Letter Ballot and Beyond
January 2008 doc.: IEEE /0080r1 January 2008 Process of Getting to Letter Ballot and Beyond Completed Steps | Future Steps Adoption of PAR and 5 Criteria Technical Presentations and Discussions Presentation of Proposal Produce a Draft, WG technical review Letter Ballot – November 2006 Recirculation – March, May 2007, July 2007, Sept 2007, Nov 2007 Sponsor Ballot – January 2008 Recirculation Final WG/EC Approval IEEE SB REVCOM Approval Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
3 Cycles of Comments and Resolution
January 2008 doc.: IEEE /0080r1 January 2008 3 Cycles of Comments and Resolution Call for Informal Comments Comment Resolution WG Letter Ballot Comment Resolution, Recirculation Sponsor Ballot Comment Resolution, Recirculation Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
Schedule Projected at Taipei (Jan)
January 2008 doc.: IEEE /0080r1 January 2008 Schedule Projected at Taipei (Jan) January 2008 (Taipei, Taiwan) In Sponsor Ballot until Jan 30th Feb 11, 12 Ad Hoc SB Comment resolution, start 1st SB re-circ March 2008 (Orlando) Sponsor Ballot Comment Resolution, 2nd SB Re-circ ExCom Conditional Approval to end May 2008 (Jacksonville) WG Approval June 2008 RevCom Approval Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
Attendance Tuesday AM1: Peter Ecclesine (Cisco Systems)
January 2008 doc.: IEEE /0080r1 January 2008 Attendance Tuesday AM1: Peter Ecclesine (Cisco Systems) Rick Kennedy (ETS-Lindgren) Doug Chan (Cisco Systems) Brian Hart (Cisco Systems) Eldad Perahia (Intel Corp) Dorothy Stanley (Aruba Networks) Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems
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