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IEEE Maine Section R1 Report

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1 IEEE Maine Section R1 Report
Focus - Grow membership and member participation. - Increase public awareness of ECE as a profession. - Provide value to our members.

2 Issues the Maine Section faces:
Low membership density. - It is a far from Southern Maine to Northern Maine as it is from Southern Maine to Washington, DC! Stagnant membership. Low public awareness of us.

3 Meetings March 1st l general meeting, Alan Caron, author of Maine's Next Economy presented what Maine must do to succeed economically. Coming this fall: - Mixers at UMaine and USM to attract/retain students to ECE and IEEE. ExCom meetings - include all officers - Monthly. - Meetings are usually by telecom. - Harold Belson, NE Area Chair, attended.

4 Out Reach To members - ExCom Member Walter Rawle ExCom is preparing a survey to determine what members want from the Maine Section. By Members - Participation in K-12 job fairs. - Participation in STEM activities at local high schools and community colleges.

5 IEEE STEM Ambassadors (thanks to Dusty Fisher!)
- Training for techies and 6th grade teachers. - Learn a simple project. - Techies go to schools for project to do project with students & talk about STEM. Supported by Texas Instruments, the Maine Math and Science Alliance, and IEEE-USA. We're looking for funding to take the program to the rest of Maine.

6 Maine Engineering Workforce Summit
- Maine Section is a Supporting Partner. - Ron Brown is on the Organizing Committee. Portland Adult Education Working with techie educated New Mainers to integrate them into the workforce. - Resume preparation. - Interview skills. - Assistance in finding internships and jobs.

7 IT Professionals Day at Central Maine Community College
- The Maine Section will have table. - Ron Brown will speak on the advantages of joining a professional association.

8 The Beacon - Our aperiodic newsletter is back!
Purpose: A quick read of items of interest to Maine members No long articles. Content: - Something a member did. - Someone's new job. - Someone's retirement. - Local continuing education opportunities. - References/links to non-IEEE articles, etc. - Up-coming IEEE activities. - Other activities of interest to members.

9 The Bottom Line... We are seeing an uptick in interest!

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