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Welcome to our 5th Meeting of the Fall Semester! 

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to our 5th Meeting of the Fall Semester! "— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to our 5th Meeting of the Fall Semester! 

2 Icebreaker No policy update today-special presentation by Michelle Grubka, our Secretary towards the end of the meeting! 

3 Chapter 3: Sex-Love’s Got Something To Do With It
Magazine, Entertainment Activity Break up into two teams Discuss what you found this week in magazines or anything you saw you TV relating to marketing casual sex to young women What does this mean for the future generation of girls?

4 Chapter 3: Sex-Love’s Got Something To Do With It
Many feminist organizations claim that sexual freedom is an important part of becoming the equal gender, or becoming completely free in society. “A liberated woman is one who has sex before marriage and a job after.”-Gloria Steinem Does sex place women on the same playing field as men?

5 Chapter 3: Sex-Love’s Got Something To Do With It
Casual Sex(page 27-29) Teenage girls are becoming sexually active at young ages these days. What does this mean for our children? Are shows like Teen Mom making this behavior acceptable? Or do they show how real getting pregnant is? Nearly 8 in 10 and 6 in 10 boys wish they waited.

6 Chapter 3: Sex-Love’s Got Something To Do With It
Casual Sex(page 27-29) 1998 Poll showed that half of women wish they had less partners. Emotionally, how does causal sex effect them? Physically hormones and consequences can affect how women feel before and after sex. Why don’t these prevent casual sex? What are feminists options for dealing with these consequences?

7 Chapter 3: Sex-Love’s Got Something To Do With It
Casual Sex and its effect on men (page 31) “Men are more likely to pursue serious relationship with women who reserve sex for marriage or committed monogamy.” Attraction to chaste women vs. Attraction to available women

8 CPAC CPAC Presentation by Michelle Grubka! 

9 NeW Officers! Time for you to Apply! 
New Officers: Applications are out! Open Positions below: Secretary/Historian-In charge of attendance at meetings, listserv and communication, taking note of what happens during general and officer meetings and keeping all NeW members informed Assistant Social Chair-helps the Social Chair plan icebreakers, events, and activities during meetings. Can be in charge of a committee for an event and run it all by herself. Great for someone interested in social chair in the future! Assistant Treasurer-helps the Treasurer with club funds. Will mainly be in charge of Fundraising efforts, which she will be leading with guidance from the Treasurer. Great for someone interested in treasurer in the future! Assistant Public Relations Director/Conservative Delegate-Working closely with the PR Director, the delegate will be in charge of press to different clubs and assisting the PR Director in her campaigns. You’ll have a lot of responsibility in this job-can be in charge of Tabling, promo events, and coming up with press material. Great for someone interested in PR Director in the future! Women’s History Month Coordinator-brand new position! Women’s History Month is in March and this year, we will be appointing someone that would like to help be in charge of planning the event. Will work closely with other officers to ensure a successful event. If you are interested in event planning, this is a position for you! Great experience, great resume builder. Other Leadership Opportunities: becoming a committee chairwoman for certain events that we have related to Chapter Connections, Service, Scholarship, Athletics etc

10 Chapter 3: Sex-Love’s Got Something To Do With It
Dues $25 for an entire year! Includes t-shirt, book, socials and crafts!  Make sure to pick yours up tonight! Next meeting November 18 at 7pm, Read Chapter 10 for next meeting! Pro Life Alliance will be joining our meeting. Tea Party November 14that 2pm! Yay! Spread the word-invite your friends! Thanks for coming!  Loved seeing you tonight!

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