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Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet. Copy the following word on your paper.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet. Copy the following word on your paper."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet. Copy the following word on your paper. S E L F L E S S N E S S Follow the rules for chunking a word apart to break the word in to its parts.

2 Read the following paragraph:
He was transformed into a man with incredible strength. He was a model for character, nobility, honor and selflessness. He protected the rights of others. He respected others and remained calm when faced with an enemy. Write at least three words or phrases that might serve as context clues for “selflessness.”

3 Read the following paragraph:
He was transformed into a man with incredible strength. He was a model for character, nobility, honor and selflessness. He protected the rights of others. He respected others and remained calm when faced with an enemy. Write at least three words or phrases that might serve as context clues for “selflessness.”

4 Add to your vocabulary sheet: Selflessness: unselfish
having little or no concern for oneself, especially with regard to fame, position, money, etc. Origin: "devoted to others' welfare or interest and not one's own," 1825, from self+ -less. First attested in Coleridge. Related: Selflessly; selflessness. Self: before 900; Middle English; Old English self, selfa; cognate with Dutch zelf,German selb-, Old Norse sjalfr, Gothic silba Less: Middle English -les, Old English -lēas, special use of lēas free from, without, false; cognate with Old Norse lauss, German los, loose

5 Add to your vocabulary sheet: Selflessness: unselfish
having little or no concern for oneself, especially with regard to fame, position, money, etc. Symbol:

6 Agenda Warm-Up: Vocabulary (selflessness) Word study Mini-Lesson: Central Idea Fluency Check Stations: Complete: Hulk: Grade 6: On a Wave of Hope Grade 7 and 8: Kellogg Makes a Healthy Choice Black Widow: Complete chapter and Word Finder

7 Central Idea (Paragraph 5)

8 Central Idea: Captain America used his strengths to help others.
Drag out the detail that does not support the central idea of the paragraph. Central Idea: Captain America used his strengths to help others. A. He protects the freedom and rights of nations. B. Captain America is a comic book superhero. C. He also fought for freedom for all individuals. D. He fought for individuals who were being bullied.


10 A. 9 19 29 37 46 57 67 76 82 89


12 Content Questions: When finished, answer the following content question: Grade 6: (Chapter 6): How did Sebastian Junger’s experience compare to those of the soldiers he was with? Grade 7: (Chapter 6): What does Obama mean when he says that his story “is part of the larger American story”? What is the “larger story?” Grade 8: (Chapter 8): When Maria saw the African American woman and her daughter in court, what effect did it have on her?

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