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Times, they are a changing… Hand in your letter to the king

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1 Times, they are a changing… Hand in your letter to the king

2 Root Causes of the American Revolution
The long term causes of the American Revolution were seen in the 1600 and 1700’s!

3 Mercantilism What is mercantilism?
As the colonies began to become more independent in the late 1600’s and early 1700s, the British government attempted to regain control over the colonies. The attempt to regain control of the colonies was guided by the economic system of mercantilism. What is mercantilism?

4 Mercantilism What is the significance of colonies in the economic system of mercantilism? English mercantilism meant the colonies exported raw materials only to England. In exchange, the colonies bought manufactured goods from England. The cloth for this dress was produced in England

5 The Navigation Acts The English Parliament passed trade laws called the Navigation Acts. The laws successfully regulated colonial trade to create great wealth and power for England in the 1600s. Colonists quickly resorted to smuggling to avoid the Navigation Acts.

6 The new ideas of the Enlightenment in the 1600s and 1700s influenced Americans.
Exposed colonists to new ways of thinking such as scientific reasoning and applying natural laws to government. People believed that human reason could solve issues. Colonial leader Benjamin Franklin was greatly inspired by the ideas of the Enlightenment.

7 In the colonies, the development of democracy was influenced by:
the English parliamentary tradition. (rich men were elected to make decisions for the country) the colonies having a long period of self- rule. (each colony had a governor and elected men to make laws specific to their own colony)

8 Religion played an important part in colonial life:
Many colonists had immigrated for religious reasons. Churches played a social role in colonial life. Churches served as public places for reading government proclamations, holding elections, and posting new laws.

9 George Whitefield was a popular preacher in the colonies who helped launch a new religious movement called the Great Awakening. Preachers traveled through the colonies and preached powerful, emotion-packed sermons. Many people left their old established churches, joined the movement, and started new churches.

10 The Great Awakening gave rise to a changed political awareness.
Participants in the Great Awakening came to realize that if they can select their own religion, they can also select their own government. What changes do you think this might lead to?

11 Show you know Write a paragraph explaining the policy of Mercantilism and the British Navigation Acts. Imagine you are a colonist…give a “real” example” of how each worked and impacted you.

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