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How was the 1920s a decade of contradicitions?

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Presentation on theme: "How was the 1920s a decade of contradicitions?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How was the 1920s a decade of contradicitions?

2 Rise of Americanism Aim: How did many Americans react to the presence of foreigners and foreign ideas in the 1920’s?

3 “I believe we should place them (the reds) all on a ship of stone, with sails of lead, and that their first stopping place be hell.” Author/Soldier Guy Empey applauding the “deportation delirium”

4 I. View of Foreigners after WWI
Reactionary Time Period: Real and Imagined Threats! Russian Revolution Sedition Act of 1918 Used to monitor radicals, labor unions

5 1919 Anarchist Bombings


7 II. Reaction – Palmer Raids
Precursor to the FBI – J. Edgar Hoover 1. Identify radicals “prone” to violence. Raids and Mass Arrests 1. Russian People’s House – beat with clubs by police 2. Algebra Class – teacher beaten, ordered to give money, arrested


9 3. Homes searched without warrants
men held 5 months w/o charges and no lawyer allowed radicals deported 6. Raids in 33 cities – 3,000 people arrested etc……..

10 C. Sacco and Vanzetti Anti-Foreignism Italian, radical, draft dodgers
Accused of robbing a paymaster and killing him

11 D. Public Reaction and Court Decision
Judge biased towards defendents Guilty – death penalty International Outcry

12 E. ACLU 1920 – Created as direct result of Palmer Raids
1st Action – challenge the Sedition Act Took cases defending immigrants, workers and political radicals

13 F. Downfall of Palmer Criticized heavily for lack of due process.
Sec of Labor Louis F. Post- found over 1,500 deportations of innocent people Palmer claimed an armed Communist Uprising on May 1, 1920 – never happened

14 III. Second Rising of the KKK
“An extremist, ultraconservative, uprising against forces of diversity and modernity transforming American culture.”



17 III. Anti-Immigration Fervor

18 A. Reasons for anti-immigration

19 B. Government Response to Anti- immigrant sentiment
Literacy Tests-1917 Emergency Quota Act of 1921 National Origins Act of 1924

20 Are we going through a “Third Red Scare”?
Methodist Church upholds ban on same-sex marriage and LGBT clergy, faces likely surge in defections Some supporters of greater LGBT inclusion were in tears, while others vented their anger after delegates, on a vote

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