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Cede, ceed, cess =go; yield.

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Presentation on theme: "Cede, ceed, cess =go; yield."— Presentation transcript:

1 cede, ceed, cess =go; yield

2 accessible ac-ces-si-ble (adjective)
Able to go in to, enter, or approach

3 All public buildings must be wheelchair accessible.
The playground was easily accessible from anywhere on campus. The two-story building was made accessible to all because of its elevator. The __________ was accessible to all because of ____________.

4 accessory ac-ces-so-ry (noun)
An article or item worn with an outfit that ‘goes with’ or matches the outfit

5 The model wore matching accessories for the clothing company’s advertisements.
The department store’s accessory area includes jewelry, shoes, and bags. His headband and sweatband were accessories to his workout clothes. The ___________ was an accessory to _____________.

6 concede con-cede (verb)
To yield to an opponent that one has lost; to give in; to admit that something is true and valid

7 The politician conceded defeat after the polls showed he was losing by 15%.
During the trial, the defendant conceded that he was guilty. My brother conceded to my parents that he had eaten the last cookie because he knew he was caught. __________ conceded __________ because ____________.

8 exceed ex-ceed (verb) To go or be beyond the limit or expectations

9 The CHP pursued the driver who exceeded the speed limit.
“You have far exceeded my expectations!” the teacher exclaimed after the performance. The concert exceeded the recommended sound level at the concert. The _________ exceeded ____________ ______________.

10 intercede in-ter-cede (verb)
To mediate; to go between people to help them reach an agreement

11 Sometimes a judge must intercede when two parties cannot agree.
Teachers intercede when students argue and are unable to problem solve. The landlord interceded when the two tenants argued about where to park their cars. (The) __________ interceded when _________ argued about ____________.

12 Precede pre-cede (verb)
To go before something else in time, order, place, or rank

13 A funnel cloud preceded the terrifying tornado.
President George W. Bush preceded President Obama. I preceded all four of my sisters in our family. _________ preceded _________ in ____.

14 Proceed pro-ceed (verb)
To keep on going; to go ahead with something; to move along

15 Despite the rainy weather, the Dodgers decided to proceed with the game.
We will proceed with our family vacation to Maui in October, even if the airline prices are expensive. I will proceed with exercising even if I don’t see my muscles bulging yet.  I will proceed with __________ even if _____.

16 recede re-cede (verb) To go or move back

17 One warning sign of a tsunami is when the water suddenly recedes from the beach.
A receding hair line is an unfortunate sign of aging. When the beach receded, we ran out to collect shells. When the ___________ receded, I __________.

18 Recess re-cess (noun) The time during which people go out to take a break

19 The court called a recess after 8 straight hours of prosecution evidence.
“Hooray, we get an extra recess for no tardies!” declared Mrs. Bogosian. During the court recess, we ate lunch and took a walk. During the _____ recess, we _______.

20 Successor suc-ces-sor (noun)
A person who goes after someone else (usually related to a person taking over a job that is of higher rank)

21 Prince Charles is the successor to the English throne, after Queen Elizabeth.
Mrs. Bohn’s successor, Mrs. Bogosian, is the principal at Skyblue Mesa. After President Obama, we don’t know who America’s next successor to the Presidential office will be. After ______, we do/don’t know if _____ will be the next successor.

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