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M E R C Y E F F O R T S T O C O U N T E R S E X T R A F F I C K I N G B Y R A I S I N G A W A R E N E S S.

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Presentation on theme: "M E R C Y E F F O R T S T O C O U N T E R S E X T R A F F I C K I N G B Y R A I S I N G A W A R E N E S S."— Presentation transcript:

1 M E R C Y E F F O R T S T O C O U N T E R S E X T R A F F I C K I N G B Y R A I S I N G A W A R E N E S S

2 W H A T I S H U M A N T R A F F I C K I N G ?
Also known as 'Modern Day Slavery' The trade in and exploitation of human beings for profit (high profit; low risk; huge demand) Fastest growing criminal industry in the world NOT just a global issue - It is happening on the island of Ireland Human Rights Violation

3 H U M A N. T R A F F I C K I N G. C O N S I S T S O F. 3. B A S I C
H U M A N T R A F F I C K I N G C O N S I S T S O F 3 B A S I C C O M P O N E N T S ACT MEANS PURPOSE Threat or use of Force Coercion Abduction Domestic Servitude Sexual Exploitation Forced Labour Recruitment Transport Transfer Harbouring Receipt of Persons HUMAN TRAFFICKING Fraud Deception Abuse of Power Giving Payments Forced Marriage Removal of Organs Forced Begging Forced Criminality NOTE: In cases involving children, there is NO requirement for 'means' to be present. A Child is anyone under the age of 18

4 K E Y G L O B A L S T A T I S T I C S $150.2 billion profit per year ($99 billion from sex trafficking) At any given time in 2016, 40.3 million people were in modern slavery 1 in 4 victims are children Main Types of Exploitation: Sexual & Labour In Europe, 80% of trafficking victims are women and girls, the majority of whom are trafficked for sexual exploitation. (Source: International Labour Organisation Global Estimates of Modern Slavery: Geneva, September 2017)

5 W H O A R E T H E T R A F F I C K E R S ?
Organised Crime Gangs Pimps "Boyfriends" Family Members of the Victim

6 but CHILDREN are especially vulnerable...
W H O A R E T H E V I C T I M S ? Any Gender, Age, Nationality, Race, Socio-Economic Background, but CHILDREN are especially vulnerable... Susceptible to "grooming" Displacement The Internet! Dysfunctional Family Background

7 W H Y D O N ' T V I C T I M S E S C A P E ?
Unaware that they are victims S H A M E FEAR of physical, sexual, emotional, psychological abuse No knowledge of where they are and may not speak the language Intentionally misinformed about their rights No possession of personal documents Dependant on trafficker for basic needs

8 # ' S. O F. P O T E N T I A L. V I C T I M S. I N. U K R E F E R R E D
# ' S O F P O T E N T I A L V I C T I M S I N U K R E F E R R E D T O N R M ( ) (Source: National Crime Agency - National Referral Mechanism Statistics: End of Year Summary 2016)

9 5 9. P O T E N T I A L. V I C T I M S. O F T R A F F I C K I N G. I N
5 9 P O T E N T I A L V I C T I M S O F T R A F F I C K I N G I N N I ( / 1 6 ) Domestic Serv. 8% Unknown 27% Labour Expl. 37% Sexual Expl. 29% (Source: National Crime Agency - National Referral Mechanism Statistics: End of Year Summary 2016)

10 V I C T I M S. O F. T R A F F I C K I N G B Y. G E N D E R
Female 41% Male 59% (Source: National Crime Agency - National Referral Mechanism Statistics: End of Year Summary 2016)

11 V I C T I M S O F T R A F F I C K I N G B Y A G E ( 2 0 1 5 / 1 6 )
Children 19% Adults 81% (Source: National Crime Agency - National Referral Mechanism Statistics: End of Year Summary 2016)

12 O R I G I N O F V I C T I M S I N N I ( 2 0 1 5 / 1 6 )
(Source: National Crime Agency - National Referral Mechanism Statistics: End of Year Summary 2016)

13 W H A T I S T H E U K ' S R E S P O N S E ?
The UK Government published a Modern Slavery Strategy in 2014, based on the ‘four Ps’ structure: PURSUE PREVENT PROTECT PREPARE

14 W H A T I S N I ' S L E G A L R E S P O N S E ?
The Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Criminal Justice and Support for Victims) Act (Northern Ireland) 2015 ("the 2015 Act")

15 O T H E R R E S P O N S E S ? The PSNI Modern Slavery Human Trafficking Unit is part of C2 Serious Crime Branch, Specialist Investigation Unit. Health and Social Care Trust: Support and protection for child victims and potential victims. Women's Aid: Contracted by the Department of Justice to help support female victims of Human Trafficking. Migrant Help: Contracted by the Department of Justice to help support male victims of Human Trafficking. Social Workers: Provide practical assistance and guidance to Child victims of Human Trafficking.

16 R A I S I N G A W A R E N E S S I N T H E H O T E L I N D U S T R Y
Hotels in Northern Ireland support 10,700 full-time equivalent jobs (Source: NIHF) International trends / Irish Based Research currently underway (Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, Examining the scope of HT on the island of Ireland) It is a growing Criminal Activity and Justice Issue Training already being implemented across health, social work, law enforcement and immigration sectors Hotel Staff are among those frontline professionals likely to encounter a victim of sex trafficking ‘Eyes and Ears on the Ground’ Traffickers can seek to take advantage of the privacy and anonymity of hotels

17 P O S S I B L E I N D I C A T O R S O F
S E X T R A F F I C K I N G W I T H I N H O T E L S Exhibits fearful, anxious or submissive behaviour - lack of eye contact Extended stay with few or no personal possessions Dresses inappropriately given the weather and/or his/her age Denies hotel staff entry into room on multiple successive days despite frequent visitors to the room Excessive foot travel in/out of hotel room by non-registered guests at unusual hours Large amounts of alcohol or presence of drugs in rooms where children are present Presence of multiple computers, cell phones, pagers, credit card swipers, cameras, videos, or other technology NOTE: These indicators MAY suggest that a person is a potential victim of trafficking. It is important to bear in mind that the presence of one of these signs does not necessarily indicate a case of sex trafficking, nor is this in anyway an exhaustive list of indicators. Staff should be vigilant of situations in which MULTIPLE indicators are present.

18 R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y T O R E S P O N D N I ?
Criminal Law Act (Northern Ireland) 1967, Section 5 In Northern Ireland it is an offence not to report an arrestable crime to the police, which by definition, includes crimes against children. The Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995 This act provides the legislative framework for Northern Ireland's child protection system. It sets out: parental responsibilities and rights, and duties and powers public authorities have to support children and intervene if there are concerns about a child "The 2015 Act" - 'Duty to Notify' Public authorities are obliged by section 13 of the Act to notify the National Crime Agency if they have reason to believe that a person may be a victim of slavery or human trafficking.

19 Dial 999 if you think that the person is in imminent danger
H O W S H O U L D Y O U R E S P O N D ? Dial 999 if you think that the person is in imminent danger Dial 101 to report suspicions to the police Call Crimestoppers anonymously on Hotel Staff Hotel Management

The PSNI are responsible for: Making a judgement as to whether there are grounds for intervention Delivering the victim into the care of the appropriate agency

21 H E L P C O U N T E R S E X T R A F F I C K I N G ?
W H A T C A N A H O T E L D O T O H E L P C O U N T E R S E X T R A F F I C K I N G ? Ensure full support at Management level Adopt an Anti-Trafficking Policy & a Child Protection Policy Incorporate Anti-Trafficking Training as part of mandatory staff induction training Communicate the measures being taken to counter sex trafficking within the industry and to the public, and advocate that others do the same

22 You can choose to look the other way
but you can never say again that you did not know - William Wilberforce

23 If you have been affected by any of the issues in this presentation, you can contact:
The The 24 Hour Domestic & Sexual Violence Helpline @

24 M E C P A T H S . I E I N F O @ M E C P A T H S . I E M E C P A T H S
@ M E C P A T H S _ I R E This presentation is intended to raise awareness of the potential for child trafficking in Northern Ireland. It is provided for general information purposes only. The presentation and the associated seminar do not constitute (and should not be construed as) legal advice. While every effort has been made to ensure that the information provided is correct, no responsibility is accepted by, or on behalf of MECPATHS and/or the Congregational Leadership Team of the Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy and/or the Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy for any omissions or errors contained in the presentation and/or the associated seminar.

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