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. Team: Date: Session: Defensive Counter Delay 06/05/2019

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1 . Team: Date: Session: Defensive Counter Delay 06/05/2019
Organisation: 3 teams of 3 compete against each other 2 teams at a time. If the attackers (Black) are dispossed they become the defenders on the other side as the coloured team receives a pass from the successful defending team (white). The coloured team try to break away fast whilst the Black team or white team depending on who won the battle previously try to delay the counter attack without making an attempt to recover possession until all of their team have arrived over there and the team is in a better position to attempt a challenge for possession. Coaching Points: Protect the hot-line at all times, stay in the passing lanes early and try to force the ball carrier wide and sideways until everyone is in a good position to defend in case the challenger might get eliminated. Repeat to the players “where the ball is, is not always dangerous, but where it can get to is always dangerous.” So work together to cut passing lanes and interchange defensive roles and positions as necessary to delay the forwards attack by pushing it sideways but without attempting a challenge for possession until all defenders are set, in case the challenge doesn’t go well. Progressions: Outnumber the defenders if they are going well, or outnumber the attackers if the defenders aren’t understanding what is necessary, to try and limit the interchanging of defensive roles to 1 or 2 so it becomes painfully obvious what I’m talking about regards delaying doesn’t mean breaking down the play or attempting to recover possession at all. .

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