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Internet Research Techniques

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Presentation on theme: "Internet Research Techniques"— Presentation transcript:

1 Internet Research Techniques

2 Introduction & Browser Basics

3 Definition of the Internet
Network of computers throughout world. Enables people to communicate. Offers entertainment, social networking, news and information.

4 Browsers allow you to go on the web and navigate around it.

5 Many excellent browsers
Netscape Navigator Firefox Safari Opera Chrome Most widely used – Internet Explorer

6 Internet Explorer Composition
5 Tiers above the web page Give some web page information Others allow users to perform a number of tasks

7 Focus will be on tasks most useful to students

8 Need help because hundreds of millions of web sites
Search Engines Need help because hundreds of millions of web sites

9 Many excellent search engines
Alta Vista Ask Bing Dogpile Yahoo Search Most widely used - Google

10 Being Selective Garbage in, Garbage out
Bad information means bad report Stay away from “garbage” websites Blogs Dot-com sites Most websites not reviewed for accuracy and balance

11 Generally Reliable Sites
.edu sites .org sites .gov sites Statistical information Historical information Scientific information Legislative information

12 Copying

13 Why it’s a bad idea Learn very little, if anything Being dishonest
Teacher will know Failing grade Embarrassment Defeats purpose of the assignment

14 When it’s okay to quote Limited amount Give source

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