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Objectives What have we learned? What are we going to learn?

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Presentation on theme: "Objectives What have we learned? What are we going to learn?"— Presentation transcript:

1 EE4271 VLSI Design Advanced Interconnect Optimizations Buffer Insertion

2 Objectives What have we learned? What are we going to learn?
Buffer insertion on a single wire What are we going to learn? Buffer insertion on a tree

3 Timing Driven Buffering Problem Formulation
Given A Steiner tree RAT at each sink A buffer type RC parameters Candidate buffer locations Find buffer insertion solution such that the slack at the driver is maximized

4 Candidate Buffering Solutions

5 Candidate Solution Characteristics
Each candidate solution is associated with vi: a node ci: downstream capacitance qi: RAT vi is a sink ci is sink capacitance v is an internal node

6 Van Ginneken’s Algorithm
Candidate solutions are propagated toward the source

7 Solution Propagation: Add Wire
x (v1, c1, q1) (v2, c2, q2) c2 = c1 + cx q2 = q1 – rcx2/2 – rxc1 r: wire resistance per unit length c: wire capacitance per unit length

8 Solution Propagation: Insert Buffer
(v1, c1, q1) (v1, c1b, q1b) c1b = Cb q1b = q1 – Rbc1 Cb: buffer input capacitance Rb: buffer output resistance

9 Solution Propagation: Merge
(v, cl , ql) (v, cr , qr) cmerge = cl + cr qmerge = min(ql , qr)

10 Solution Propagation: Add Driver
(v0, c0, q0) (v0, c0d, q0d) q0d = q0 – Rdc0 = slackmin Rd: driver resistance Pick solution with max slackmin

11 Example of Merging Left candidates Right candidates Merged candidates

12 Solution Pruning Two candidate solutions Solution 1 is inferior if
(v, c1, q1) (v, c2, q2) Solution 1 is inferior if c1 ≥ c2 : larger load and q1 ≤ q2 : tighter timing

13 Merging Branches Right Candidates Left

14 Pruning Merged Branches
Critical With pruning

15 Exercise (5,10) (8,15) (10,20) (12,25) (2,7) (7,10) (9,15)
Compute candidate buffer solutions after merge.

16 Exercise (20,400) 2 2 2 2 (15,300) Unit Wire Cap = 5 Unit Wire Res = 3
Buffer C=5, R=1 Perform buffer insertion to maximize the slack at driver

17 Summary Buffer insertion on a tree
Solution pruning can significantly reduce the number of solutions

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