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Writers Journal This is a place for students to write every day in order to gain writing fluency and voice.

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Presentation on theme: "Writers Journal This is a place for students to write every day in order to gain writing fluency and voice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writers Journal This is a place for students to write every day in order to gain writing fluency and voice.

2 How do these quotes make you feel?
The role of a writer is not to say what we all can say, but what we are unable to say. ~ Anais Nin The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug ~ Mark Twain How do these quotes make you feel?

3 What is the Writer’s Journal Purpose?
The Writer’s Journal will contain a variety of journal entries, including prompted and student-selected entries. The Writer’s Journal is a place for students to practice skills they are learning during the lesson. The Writer’s Journal is a source for ideas when students begin to write more formal pieces.

4 Writers Journal Set-up
Front Page - Rubric Back Page - Parts of Speech 1st Page - Your Name - Illustrations 2nd Page - Bring a Picture of you from home Last Page - Quick List

5 Quick List - Number your page 1-12
Favorite Food Something Old in your closet Place you want to visit Something you’ve lost Bad Animals Book you’ve read

6 Entry # 1 8-27-15 I wish I could go It has the most It also has
That’s why My Kernal Essay: 1. I wish I could go to ________________________. 2. It has the most beautiful ______________________. 3. It also has_________________________________. 4. That’s why I want to see______________________. Now go write a full page using one of these prompts

7 Kernal Essay I wish I could go to New York City. It has the most beautiful sky scrapers. It also has the Statute of Liberty and awesome pizza. I hope one day soon the I will be able to visit New York City because it would be fun.

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