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Session 7 Some Key Concepts

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1 Session 7 Some Key Concepts

2 Outline Framing the guidance within the SDG principles Gender equality, reducing inequalities and ensuring “no-one left behind” Sustainability and resilience Interlinkages across SDGs: Complexity and complex development programs

3 1. Framing the guidance within the SDG principles
Ensuring the EFGR evaluations are consistent with SDG principles No SDG evaluation guidelines have yet been developed Current guidelines are derived from the follow-up and review framework

4 2. Gender equality, reducing inequalities and ensuring “No-one left behind”
Gender equality, reducing inequalities and “No-one left behind” are separate but linked principles All 3 principles should be incorporated throughout Gender equality is incorporated at all stages of the SDGs: Assess the degree to which gender and power relationships change as a result of SDG interventions Provide information on how development programs are affecting women and men differently and to assess how well the SDGs are contributing to the achievement of these commitments Help promote social change by using the evaluations for better development programming

5 3. Sustainability and resilience
“Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. Resilience “The ability of a system, entity, community or person to withstand shocks while still maintaining its essential functions and to recover quickly and effectively from catastrophe” “Resilience is what enables people to survive and thrive”

6 4. Interlinkages across SDGs: Complexity and complex development programs
Dimension I: The nature of the intervention Size of programme and target population Number of components or services Technical and social complexity of the programme Number of objectives and clarity Programme design Duration of the programme Need to target population

7 Dimension 2: Stakeholders and the institutional framework
Number of stakeholders Number of agencies involved in implementation Number of groups on M&E Number of those involved in funding Communication and coordination Presence of wide range of vulnerable groups Dimension 3: The range of contextual factors and their level of influence on programme implementation and oucomes How well are understood How much influence they have Contextual dependency

8 Dimension 4: The nature of causality
Number of causal pathways linking inputs and oucomes Nature of causal linkages Number of institutional and contextual variables Dimension 5: Complexity of evaluation itself Lack of understand and consistent M&E systems Barriers for data collection Nature of causality Use of mix method design

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