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Introduction of securities netting to cash trade clearing

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1 Introduction of securities netting to cash trade clearing
Warsaw, April 2012

2 Agenda Why Netting? Netting Process Introduction Netting Mechanism
Clearing Positions Aggregate Collateral Accounts Reporting Benefits of Netting KDPW_CCP

3 Why Netting? Clearing houses which use netting: LCH Clearnet SA,
SIX x-Clear, EMCF, Euro CCP, Keler. KDPW_CCP

4 Netting Process: Introduction
Securities netting mechanism generating a single settlement instruction (securities and cash settlement) for all credits and debits in an entity account. Project status: target date Q3 2013 KDPW_CCP

5 Netting Process: Introduction
Introduction of securities netting on the cash market mandatory to all KDPW_CCP participants. Cash market netting of all trades on the market covered by settlement guarantees. Introduction of the netting mechanism in co-ordination with the introduction of the automatic partial settlement functionality. KDPW_CCP

6 Netting Mechanism Clearing Process with Netting

7 Netting Mechanism Settlement Process and Update of Clearing Positions

8 Clearing Positions Clearing positions are created on the basis of trades from the markets. Clearing positions are defined mainly by: Date of trade ISIN Participant identifier Clearing account ID KDPW_CCP

9 Clearing Positions: Schema of Segregating Clearing Instructions by Market: GPW, BondSpot

10 Clearing Positions Netting may generate the following settlement instructions – combinations of credits and debits with the Clearing House: No. Description Securities Cash 1. Delivery of securities against payment Delivery Receipt Receipt of securities against payment 2. Delivery of securities free of payment Net to 0 Receipt of securities free of payment 3. Payment Receipt of cash 4. Delivery of securities and payment Receipt of securities and cash 5. Zero clearing position KDPW_CCP

11 Aggregate Collateral Accounts
Aggregate Collateral Accounts (ZKZ) – aggregate collateral for one or more clearing accounts will be accrued in ZKZ. Account aggregation is determined by the attribute - owner type KDPW_CCP

12 Schema of Aggregate Collateral Accounts

13 Reporting Clearing Members will be receiving from KDPW_CCP new messages in the ISO CCP Clearing standard. Messages will contain more complete information of the trade clearing process. KDPW_CCP

14 Reporting ISO20022 messages
Confirmation of acceptance of a trade - secl Confirmation of cancellation of a trade – secl List of concluded trades – secl List of net clearing positions – secl Notice of buy-back of securities – secl Confirmation of buy-back of securities - secl List of settlement debits - secl KDPW_CCP

15 Benefits of the netting mechanism:
raised standards of the clearing process, reduced number of instructions sent for settlement, reduced cost of trade settlement, Aggregate Collateral Account functionality, reduced cost of participation in the settlement guarantee system, reduced settlement risk. KDPW_CCP

16 Discussion Conclusion Żaneta Skorupska-Świrska
Deputy Managing Director KDPW_CCP S.A. E:

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