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Planning the band graphics 6.2

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1 Planning the band graphics 6.2

2 Purpose and audience I've been asked to make a vector logo for the band and a bitmap poster to advertise their upcoming gig. The poster should contain a unicorn and images of the band members, some info about the gig and their logo. The audience is anyone who would listen, so the poster must be universal. The music is 2000 pop, fans of this type of music would like the band.

3 Unicornz first interview
2000 pop music Piano and singing Realistic Unicorns and rainbow colours. Targeted at families and anyone who is interested To be displayed within the college 3 members called, mads (piano), chlo (sings), ems (sings)

4 The band unicornz have asked me to make a poster to advertise there band. They have asked for unicorns to be a feature in there poster. They are not fussed much by how we design it.

5 Mind map on things to go in logo
unicorns Photos of band riding on a unicorn dark lighiting cloud Software used for making poster: Photoshop Info on the gig winter warmer flames

6 Unicornz 2000 pop music! Ideas for poster design
Multi coloured unicorn Names of the band on the band members body The 3 band members solited in front of a unicorn, or riding it, or just there heads (ok maybe not a flaming unicorn but a fluffy rainbow design of this maybe)




10 Mind map on things to go in poster
unicorns Background unicorn head Photos of band Rainbows and all things fluffy Band playing, using unicorn horns instead of mics Software used for making poster: Photoshop Info on the gig winter warmer

11 I like this one best as it is more rainbow/unicorn and family friendly

12 Mind map Ideas for logo Idea 2 for poster Idea 1 for poster unicornz

13 Unicorn (head and front showing only)
Horn of unicorn is the i in unicornz i in unicorns having a sparkly dot Colour full unicorn and sparkly text Rainbow in background Text tilted

14 rainbow Cool style text colourful Band name simple

15 I like this design best as it is simple and easy to remember

16 I have chosen the logo with the unicorn/text under the rainbow because its simple and rememberable I have chosen the poster with the band playing with a unicorn in the background as it shows what the band uses and includes unicorns, related to the bands name of unicornz.

17 Outside sources QDz_7LlXWIjIwHaEo& %2fUnicorns-magical-creatures jpg&exph=800&expw=1280&q=unicorns&simid= &selectedIndex=141&cbir=sbi&ajaxhist=0 KgIWoawGwHaB4& 1.jpg&exph=203&expw=800&q=piano+from+back&simid= &selectedindex=4&ajaxhist=0&vt=Default&eim=1,2,6&pivotparams= insightsToken%3Dccid_zjVf73sa*mid_FE12D ED30FA0A5737F935ACB *simid_ *thid_OIP.zjVf73sayaoS7pVxU3 nVCgHaCB&iss=VSI wiXgcaUp43eAhVPFMAKHT59DkQQ_AUIDigB&biw=1920&bih=969&safe=active&ssui=on#imgdii=KIYAWAUj7bnBRM:&imgrc=ly3BiecMfxPPuM: ih=963#imgrc=yh1IB1UKRUuTWM: PIDpK3gQap2LnoAw&q=unicorn&oq=unicorn&gs_l=img.3..0i67k1l3j0j0i67k1j0l2j0i67k1j0j0i67k j c.1.64.img i10i24k1.0.-KFOXbnNX0o#imgrc=rT5kGoU1YVgsSM: le+piano&oq=mr+beans+holiday.++sat+playing+invisible+piano&gs_l=img c.1.64.img t_ dmLOLBuoY#imgrc=XHYDlif4do0PlM: NJqqNgAa436bYDQ&q=real+unicorn&oq=real+unicorn&gs_l=img.3..0i67j0l8j0i gws-wiz- img i10j0i7i30.VACetDOKPFQ#imgrc=dpZQXzWeGH0KKM:

18 Prototype of unicorns logo

19 Prototype of unicorns poster

20 Why I designed these like I did.
The band asked for unicorns. The poster and logo are universal The logo is simple and easy to remember The poster has unicorns and shows what the band does (singing and piano) Hopefully the unicornz will like what I have designed

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