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Backward Error Estimation

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1 Backward Error Estimation
CSUSB IAS Shivkumar Chandrasekaran (UCSB) Ernesto Gomez (CSUSB) Yasha Karant (CSUSB) Keith Evan Schubert (CSUSB) The support of NSF under award is gratefully acknowledged

2 3 Decimal Digits Consider the problem, b=Ax The resulting x value is

3 2 Decimal Digits Reconsider the problem b=Ax The resulting x value is

4 What’s Up? Sensitivity to perturbations Components of x can vary by:

5 What Can We Do? Rather than solve it the standard way
x=A\b x=(ATA)-1ATb Consider the following: x=(ATA+I)-1ATb  =.01 Then:

6 Lucky Guess? -1 -0.5 0.5 1 1.5 2 y x

7 Does It Always Work? No Consider , x=(ATA+I)-1ATb x0
Consider -si2, x=(ATA+I)-1ATb x± (si is singular value of A) Picking the wrong value can get junk

8 Methods with the Same Form
Name Cost Function  = Least Squares ||Ax-b|| Total Least Squares ||[A b]-[C d]||F s.t.: ||Cx-d||=0 -s2n+1 Tikhonov ||Ax-b||2 + ||Lx||2 LTL Min Max ||Ax-b|| + h||x|| h||Ax-b||/||x|| Min Min ||Ax-b|| - h||x|| -h||Ax-b||/||x|| Backward Error 3 (||Ax-b||+h||x||)/||A|| ||x|| -||Ax-b||2/||x||2

9 Why Backward? Forward errors Backward errors
Explicitly account for each error source (x+d1)(y+d2)=xy+(yd1+xd2+d1d2) Backward errors Check that algorithm acting on data will give a solution that is “near” to the actual system acting on a nearby set of data I.E. Algorithm with good data should do about as well as a perfect calculation on ok data

10 Picture Please! Inherent Condition in A b Perfect Calculations b*
Nearby Data (x*) Inherent Condition in A b* Actual Data (x) Perfect Calculations b Algorithm Errors due to algorithm best

11 Backward Error Criterion Maximize

12 Non Convex Cost zn

13 Backward Error Normal Equations Hessian Solution Lies in

14 Backward Error Solution Secular Equation Solution Lies in

15 Finding The Root g()

16 Singular Value Decomposition
For any matrix A: A=USVT U,V are Orthogonal UUT=UTU=I VVT=VTV=I S diagonal with s1≥s2≥... ≥sn≥0

17 Using the SVD For rectangular Matrices Define Then b1=U1Tb b2=U2Tb
z=vTx Then ||Ax-b||2 = ||Sz-b1||2 + ||b2||2 ATA+I = V(S2+I)VT

18 Solution by Secular Equation
Calculate SVD of A O(mn2+n3), usually m>>n Precalculate key quantities (b1,b2,S2) O(n2) Solve by any root finder to find  Bisection Newton’s Method O(np), p is number of iterations to solution Substitute into x=V(S2+I)-1Sb1 Overall O(mn2+n3+np) Can be sped up by “economy version” of SVD no U2 calculated, get b22 by b2=b12+b22

19 Informal Algorithm Get (A,b) svd(A)  [u1 u2],,v U1b  b1
Use rootfinder (bisection, Newton, etc.) to get  in [-sn2,0] vT(2- I)-1  b1  x

20 What You Get

21 Least Squares

22 Total Least Squares

23 Tikhonov

24 Backward Error

25 Original

26 Comparison

27 1-D Images

28 Final Thoughts BE can be optimistic or pessimistic Robust
Applications with uncertainty Image debluring Image separation GPR, seismology Medical imaging System ID

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