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Analogy with Databases

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1 Analogy with Databases
Consider the following database (DB): EMPLOYEE MANAGER NAME GENDER SALARY Mary Female 2200 NAME DIVISION Mary Administration Consider the following theory (Γ): {(GenderMaryFemale ⋀ SalaryMary2200) ⋁ DivisionMaryAdministration} Let KB be a Knowledge Base, where KB = Γ ∪ DB. Let ¬(DivisionMaryMarketing ⋁ SalaryMary2200) be a propositional formula. Prove if/that: KB ⊨ ¬(DivisionMaryMarketing ⋁ SalaryMary2200) SAT(KB) (provide the possible assignments making Γ true)

2 Analogy with Databases: solution
(A ⋀ B) ⋁ C ⊨ ¬(E ⋁ B) A B C E (A ⋀ B) ⋁ C ¬(E ⋁ B) T     T   T F MODELS FOR KB GenderMaryFemale = A, SalaryMary2200 = B, DivisionMaryAdministration = C, DivisionMaryMarketing = D. (A ⋀ B) ⋁ C ⊨ ¬(D ⋁ B)

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