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UAlbany Compliance Corner

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1 UAlbany Compliance Corner
January 2019 Student-Athlete Edition Self-Employment A student-athlete may establish their own business, provided the student-athlete’s name, photograph, appearance or athletics reputation are NOT used to promote the business. Please fill out the “Student-Athlete Self Employment Form” in ARMS. If you are finding it difficult to grow your business without using your own name, appearance or photograph, please come speak with compliance as in certain situations the NCAA may grant a limited exception to those rules. National Championship and NFL Playoffs Sports Wagering Rules for Student-Athletes and All Athletic Staff Members Just a quick reminder with the College Football National Championship and NFL playoffs on the horizon that NCAA legislation does not allow any betting on these events. If something of value (e.g. money, services, goods, etc.) is wagered it is impermissible. A good equation to follow is: ENTRY FEE + PRIZE = VIOLATION CARA Approval Reminder When a coach submits a countable athletically related activities log (or CARA log) for the week, some student-athletes are chosen at random to review and either approve or reject the CARA log. If you are one of the student-athletes who receives a notification to log in and review CARA, please do so. Compliance Trivia A student-athlete on the women’s lacrosse team has a birthday on the same day as a game. After the game, the coaches would like to have a few snacks and refreshments for the team and some family members that came to the game. Is this permissible? Answer on the other side

2 Employment Forms Reminder
Full-Time Enrollment: Final Semester Exception You are permitted to practice and compete while being enrolled less than full-time if: It is the final semester of your program, and You are enrolled in the necessary courses to complete your degree requirements. Please be sure to contact your athletics academic advisor so that they can certify that you are in fact in all the credits needed to graduate. Employment Forms Reminder With the start of a new semester, if you have a job (either on or off campus) and have not yet completed the forms in ARMS, please do so as soon as possible. The form is called “Student-Athlete Regular Employment Form”. Please contact the Office of Compliance Services if you have any questions or cannot locate the form. Melissa Peach Associate Athletic Director for Compliance @UAlbanyBylaws Dan VanDenburgh Assistant Athletic Director for Compliance Taulie Frierson Compliance Assistant Stephen McGahey Compliance Intern Compliance Trivia Answer: Yes, with conditions. An institution may provide the family members of a student-athlete with reasonable food and drinks in conjunction with educational meetings or celebratory events (e.g., senior night); or on an occasional basis for other reasons.

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