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Non-core Political Ideas:

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1 Non-core Political Ideas:
Edexcel Politics A-level Non-core Political Ideas: Nationalism Key terms

2 Core ideas and principles

3 Civic nationalism A form of nationalism based on the active participation of its citizens and a shared vision of equal citizens.

4 Liberal internationalism
The idea that sovereign nations should cooperate and create a level of interdependency to avoid international conflict.

5 Socialist internationalism
The idea that class solidarity is more powerful and politically significant than national identity. As Marx said: ‘Working men of all countries, unite!’.

6 Ethnicity The sense of belonging to a social group that shares a common and distinctive culture, religion, language, or the like.

7 Different types of nationalism

8 Rational The idea that humans are capable of reasoned thought and are able to make logical decisions for themselves.

9 Progressive Ideas that move towards improving society.

10 Regressive Ideas that seek to revert society to a former or less advanced state.

11 Inclusive nationalism
A form of nationalism that believes that joining a nation is straightforward and quick, as it is not based on shared previous experiences.

12 Exclusive nationalism
A form of nationalism that believes that it takes time to be a part of the nation, as membership is based on shared history and language.

13 Chauvinistic nationalism
A form of nationalism that believes its nation is superior to others, seeing them as a threat to their survival.

14 Imperialism/colonialism
The extension of control by one country over another by settlement or economic domination.

15 Nationalist thinkers and their ideas

16 Volksgeist The ‘spirit’ of a nation, the unique identity of a people based on their culture.

17 Integral nationalism An intense, hysterical form of patriotism in which the individual is absorbed into the nation.

18 Black nationalism A reaction to white oppression originating in the mid-20th century.

19 Key thinkers Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712−1778)
Johann Gottfried von Herder (1744−1803) Giuseppe Mazzini (1805−1872) Charles Maurras (1868−1952) Marcus Garvey (1887−1940).

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