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2 Origins of expressionistic drama
Although it emerged at the end of the 19th century, expressionistic drama became popular in Germany after World War I, later spreading to other parts of Europe, including Austria and Sweden, and later to the United States. Expressionistic drama was a reaction to realistic drama == REALISM VS. EXPRESSIONISM This genre became popular when the field of psychology was growing in Europe, thanks to Sigmund Freud. This new science dealt with the actions and emotions, or strong feelings of people. Expressionistic playwrights wanted the characters to express these feelings, and for the audience to experience them also.


4 Purpose of expressionistic drama
The playwright wants the audience to feel involved with the character, to empathize with him and to understand her situation, realizing that the focus is not so much on the individual character but rather on what he or she represents.

5 ATMOSPHERE AND MOOD In many plays the atmosphere is dreamlike and nightmarish (spooky, scary) creating a mood that is shadowy and unrealistic.

6 CHARACTERS The characters lose their individuality.
Many times they are nameless, thus becoming stereotypes or caricatures. They represent social groups rather than particular people. Therefore, they seem less realistic and more generic. Sometimes they are grotesque and weird.

7 dialogue At times, long monologues are used, that may seem boring, but carry much emotional and psychological meaning. Other times, characters speak in short, quick phrases. Soliloquys are used to enter into the mind of the character.

8 The plot may present itself through a sequence of dramatic statements.
Plot and structure In many plays, the plot seems disjointed and broken. At first sight, it may not make sense. That is where it is necessary for the audience to “work” at understanding the psychology within the plot and the message. The plot may present itself through a sequence of dramatic statements.

9 UNUSUAL STAGING There is little scenery or décor. Bizarre shapes and sensational colors are used. Props are scarce.

10 IRONY AND SARCASM These literary devices are common in expressionistic plays. Verbal irony, especially, is used. This is when words seem to say one thing but the opposite meaning is intended. Sarcasm is a type of irony that is much stronger and is meant to be mean and even hurtful.

11 August strindberg Born in Sweden in 1849.
He is remembered for being a pioneer in expressionistic drama. He wrote “The Stronger” in 1899. He is also known for his unusual, expressionistic paintings. Read “The Stronger” online at:

12 1. The Drama Teacher – Expressionism in the Theater
REFERENCES 1. The Drama Teacher – Expressionism in the Theater theatre/ 2. World Literature (2007). Pearson Education, Inc. Prepared by Prof. Victor M. Vázquez – November 2015


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