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Vocabulary Power Plus Lesson 2.

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1 Vocabulary Power Plus Lesson 2

2 Belittle The arrogant professor sometimes belittled his students.

3 Belittle Verb – to speak of someone or something as small or unimportant; to speak of negatively

4 Blasé Jillian’s blasé attitude during the job interview convinced the manager to find a different applicant for the job.

5 Blasé Adjective – uninterested or unimpressed because of frequent exposure or excess

6 Concoct The writers concocted a new dilemma for the hero to overcome each week.

7 concoct Verb – to devise cleverly; to invent

8 Decade Over the course of a decade, the tiny seed grew into a sizable tree.

9 decade Noun – ten years.

10 diverse Adam has diverse tastes in music; he listens to everything from classical to hip-hop.

11 diverse Adjective – differing from each other; many and distinctly unalike

12 enunciate Please enunciate your words so the rest of the class can understand you.

13 enunciate Verb – to speak articulately; to express clearly

14 Hurtle The runaway train hurtled down the tracks.
Kyle hurtled the dog’s toy to the back of the yard.

15 hurtle Verb – to move with great speed and force
To throw forcefully’ to hurl

16 Improvise Dylan forgot the lyrics while he was on the stage, so he improvised the second half of the song. The castaway improvised a crude raft out of barrels and rope.

17 improvise Verb – to do or make with no preparation
To fashion using only immediately available materials

18 Jostle Mark jostled the frozen log until it broke free from the ground.

19 Jostle Verb: to bump , push , or shove.

20 Libel The politician sued her opponent for libel after she read the obvious lie printed in the advertisement. The newspaper refused to print the letter because it libeled a public figure.

21 Libel Noun- the act of printing a false statement that harms someone's reputation. Verb- to defame someone by publishing false statements.

22 Mammoth to promote business the bakery made a mammoth 800-pound cookie
The remains of the mammoth had been frozen in a glacier for thousands of years.

23 mammoth Adjective – huge Noun – a large, hairy, extinct elephant

24 Paradox To her friends, Dana’s apparent ability to eat whatever she wants without gaining any weight is a paradox.

25 Paradox Noun – a statement or situation that is true, but seems impossible or self-contradictory.

26 provincial After eight years of working in the city, Phil missed his provincial country home. His provincial argument failed to convince the principal to change her mind.

27 provincial Adjective – rural; pertaining to the customs of non-city dwellers. Narrow in perspective; unsophisticated

28 realm The setting of the novel is a realm of fantasy, where elves and dragons exist.

29 realm Noun – a domain; a field; a territory

30 Undermine The sailor undermined the mission by turning the crew against the captain.

31 Undermine Verb – to weaken by wearing away the foundation or support

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