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The experience of Kazakhstan in the field of statistical registers

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1 The experience of Kazakhstan in the field of statistical registers

2 Compiling the register
On the eve of the introduction of the register in 1997, Kazakhstan had no reliable information on the number of legal persons and their subsidiaries. The government bodies responsible issued very contradictory information.

3 The state of administrative sources when the register was compiled
Ministry of Justice Ministry of Taxation Statistics Incomplete list, no information for Much superfluous information (sleeping or fictitious units) Uncoordinated lists for each statistical branch

4 Solving the problem of sources for compiling the register
The principle of harmonisation with the Ministry of Justice’s State register of legal persons and subsidiaries was adopted On this basis: Within one year the register began to be used for data collection Within two years it was coordinated with the State register


6 Development of the business register
Introduced at the beginning of 1998 as an administrative register Changes are made annually to the structure of the register, the procedures for maintaining it and the rules for use Most important events: 1998 г.- transition to NACE 2000 г. - introduction of the statistical register

7 Introduction of the statistical register
New attributes Economic indicators Indication of type of unit Link with legal units New procedures Carry-over of economic indicators and NACE code to the following year Ensuring correspondence between attributes of local units and businesses

8 Ensuring the quality of the register
Annual assessment of the quality of the register Precise distribution of functions between the register department and branch statistics Coordination of surveys by the register department (lists of units surveyed, sample structure, rules for working with the register)



11 Link with administrative sources
Ministry of Justice Tax authorities Other govt. bodies Pension funds and other sources Permanent exchange via telecommunications Exchange of database files Obtaining lists of licencees Mutually advantageous exchange by agreements

12 Present state of the register
The register held by the statistical service contains more comprehensive and up-to-date information than any other administrative source in the country The OKPO (All-Union Classification of Businesses and Organisations) code (from the register) has been confirmed as the national standard and is widely used by other bodies A large volume of information is entered and processed in the register


14 Fewer unsolved than solved problems
Improving cooperation with administrative sources. The tax authorities do not yet have a single register of taxpayers Completing the procedure for determining the main type of activity of businesses. Profiling of large companies Transition from the demography of legal units to the demography of businesses and many other problems

15 TACIS cooperation 1) TACIS is essential for the development of
national registers 2) It is necessary to study the experience of EU countries in the field of register methodology and information technologies 3) A system for assessing registers is needed in the CIS and Mongolia to ensure their comparability with the registers and standards of EU countries

16 Forms of TACIS cooperation
Seminars on EU standards and the experience of EU countries Conference for CIS countries on the exchange of experience in the field of register methodology and information technologies In-service training for specialists (in ЕU and CIS countries)

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