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Bias is Statistics.

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Presentation on theme: "Bias is Statistics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bias is Statistics

2 Response bias: Examples are that some men do not want to answer certain questions if the interviewer is a woman, or vice versa. In addition, some people are reluctant to answer personal questions asked by people of other ethnicities. •Non-response bias: In a study of mental health issues, for example, some people with emotional problems are less likely to participate. This leads to an underreporting of these problems in the study results.

3 Observer effect: Do you act differently when the principal is in the classroom? A principal observing a class is like a researcher collecting data for a project. If you act differently than you normally do, the conclusions are distorted. Placebo effect: Remember that this is not an intentional lie. It can be a psychological effect, or it can be due to an unknown physical effect.

4 Variability in a histogram is higher when the taller bars are more spread out away from the mean and lower when the taller bars are close to the mean.

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