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Student: Mallesham Dasari Faculty Advisor: Dr. Maggie Cheng

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1 Student: Mallesham Dasari Faculty Advisor: Dr. Maggie Cheng
The Role Real Time Network Protocol in Every Industry for the Upcoming World Student: Mallesham Dasari Faculty Advisor: Dr. Maggie Cheng Department of Computer Science, Missouri University Science and Technology 2) New Sequential Change Point Detection Algorithm: SW-CLT Wormhole Detection in a Stationary Network All traffic is redirected to the wormhole tunnel flows: and No background traffic. Wormhole attacks on 50s 1. Background No requirement about the data characteristics. Use a sliding window to calculate its detection statistics, and the detection threshold is decided based on the Central Limit Theory. m – window size , t – time 0<=t<=n-2m Windows: Compare the difference between the sums of the two windows with a threshold DTh. ) is CDF for standard normal distribution. is a desired false alarm rate. As the windows slide from the low end to the high end of the time series. If Then The algorithm decides a change point has occurred between the boundary of two windows, and report change time μ ̃ = t + m. For a true positive, the detection delay is the time difference between Wormhole attack Fake a route that is shorter than the original one within the network Confuse routing mechanisms which rely on distance between nodes Captures from one wormhole node and replays on the other Easily be launched Out-band wormhole attack Utilizes an external link between the two control points In-band wormhole attack Redirect the traffic to a multi-hop tunnel over existing wireless medium Identify the in-band wormhole in wireless ad hoc network by detecting abrupt increase in end-to-end delay. PLR and E-to-E delay of ASRIMA protocol with respect to Load Impact of packet loss in reconstruction phase Histogram for compressed bit stream 2. Objective The goal is to provide real time environment in multiple industries such as given below: Fake a route that is shorter than the original one within the network Identify the in-band wormhole in wireless ad hoc network by detecting abrupt increase in end-to-end delay. Average PSNR versus PLR and bandwidth B. Wormhole Detection in a Mobile Network Benign case : node 1 and node 2 are moving towards each other. Attack case : route change is caused by wormhole. C. Comparison of SW-CLT and NP-CUSUM Scenario 1 : and flows Scenario 2 : attack case with three flows:9-24,17-38, and 18-12 RTNP as the Middleware in Multiple Industries 3. The RTNP Protocol 3. Simulation 1) The Sequential Change Point Detection Algorithm Throughput versus time frame Detect a change point in a time series{x1,x2,…, xt , …,}, however, manually-set thresholds or parameters that limit the application. The parametric version CUSUM algorithm is the best when the pre- and post-change distributions are known The non-parametric version CUSUM need to preset threshold and related constant parameter. The repeated sequential probability ratio test (R-SPRT) is used when the distributions are known or can be reliably estimated. 5. Conclusion and Future Work A new in-band wormhole detection SW-CLT method was proposed. Identification of wormhole end nodes and removal the wormhole or mitigation the damage caused by the wormhole in future

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