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Gross Domestic Product

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Presentation on theme: "Gross Domestic Product"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gross Domestic Product

2 National Incomes Tracked by the U.S. Department of Commerce.
Collect stats on production, income, investment, and savings and publish reports called National Income and product Accounts(NIPA).

3 Gross Domestic Product
It is the dollar value of all final goods and services produced within a country’s border within a given year. Know dollar value, final goods, and border significance!!

4 Expenditure Approach Figure costs for: 1. Consumer goods and services
2. Business goods and services 3. Government goods and services 4. Net exports and imports of goods and services. ***Total figure equals GDP

5 Income Approach Used for better accuracy.
Add up selling price of goods sold—represents money made by all groups involved in production of good or service.

6 Nomimal GDP Measured in current prices
Inflation, or price increase, can cause misleading numbers in GDP.

7 Real GDP Use constant prices to measure production.

8 Limitations of GDP Nonmarket Activities Underground Economy
Negative Externalities(clean environment and such) Quality of Life

9 Influences on GDP Aggregate Supply: how much is supplied at each price. Aggregate Demand: How much will be produced at all price levels.

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