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Lab Biology & Honors Biology

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Presentation on theme: "Lab Biology & Honors Biology"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lab Biology & Honors Biology
Dr. Parks

2 Background Bachelors Degree in Biology
Doctorate in Cellular and Molecular Biology 20+ years in Medical Research Single Subject Teaching Credential

3 Course Summary One-year course fulfilling the life science requirement at RBVHS Utilize laboratory work, lectures, demonstrations, hands-on activities, textbooks and visual aids Use scientific methodology and research

4 Curriculum

5 Scientific Method

6 Biochemistry/Organic Molecules

7 Cell Structure and Function

8 Energy in the Cell Glucose Water O2 CO2

9 Genetics/RNA/DNA

10 Theory of Evolution

11 Ecology

12 Human Body Systems

13 Common Core State standards designed to connect biology content to the real world Designed to improve science education and student achievement Promote language development and literacy Designed to prepare students for college and/or career Promote critical thinking and problem solving

14 Grades Labs/Lab Reports Unit Tests/Quizzes/Finals Homework/Warm-Ups
Classwork/Unit Packets Student Participation 90-100% A 80-89% B 70-79% C 60-69% D < 59% F Up-to-date grades can be viewed online at VUSD Parent Portal

15 Bathroom Use During Class
You will be issued 15 passes per semester Ask me to be excused before leaving Take the bathroom pass with you Only one student at a time

16 Location of Bathrooms Water Fountain


18 Be in your assigned seats ready to work when the bell rings

19 Follow directions

20 Turn in assignments on time

21 Raise your hand before speaking or leaving your seat

22 One speaker at a time. Listen when someone is speaking.

23 This is a beverage and food-free classroom. Water only.

24 Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself

25 No horseplay in the classroom

26 Leave your area clean and orderly

27 Consequences for not following classroom rules
Verbal warning (ONE TIME) Lunchtime detention (10 minutes) Call home Referral to Assistant Principal

28 DISMISSAL The teacher dismisses the class, not the bell.
DO NOT cluster at the doorway, stay in your seats until the bell rings.

29 Help For You Lunch Club After School Tutoring By Appointment
Class Website My doors are open to help you with homework, reviewing new concepts, vocabulary, etc.

30 Every Student Can Succeed if They Have the Will and Desire!

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