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Presentation on theme: "How to Read CLOSELY and SUCCESSFULLY"— Presentation transcript:


2 1. Annotate/Mark the Text
Read with PURPOSE Look for literary devices, themes, characters, moments that make you question, predict or connect with the text

3 2. Read the QUESTIONS Accompanying the Passage FIRST!
It always helps to know what you are looking for! This also will save you time…

4 3. Read the passage SLOWLY and CAREFULLY
Be aware of the time…but don’t rush! Check the clock and set a pace for yourself!

5 4. When answering the questions, PAY ATTENTION!!!
Look for bold, italicized or underlined portions of the question… Look for words like ALL, BUT, EXCEPT, etc.

6 5. Don’t be FOOLED by numbers!
DO go back and re-read a passage when line numbers/paragraph numbers are given…but don’t be fooled, you might also have to read around these lines to find your answer.

7 6. Identify WHAT is being asked of you…and HOW you are being asked!
Try to determine the purpose (what you are being tested on) of each question and the type (see list below) of question.

8 Types of Questions PLOT BASED – asks who, what, when, where…factual information of text. INFERENTIAL – asks you to draw a conclusion about a passage. CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT – must look closely at a character over the course of the entire passage. LITERARY DEVICE QUESTION – wants you to identify a specific device and/or how the use of that device impacts an entire piece of writing. CONTEXT CLUES – asks you to define a word based on the clues given in the text. THEME/OVERALL EFFECT – big picture question about main idea of a passage. CONFLICT – asks you to identify the type of central problem/conflict in a passage.

9 1. “They named him William Armstrong, which was like tying a big tail on a small kite.” The excerpt above is an example of which literary device? A. metaphor B. alliteration C. simile D. connotation

10 1. “They named him William Armstrong, which was like tying a big tail on a small kite.” The excerpt above is an example of which literary device? A. metaphor B. alliteration C. simile D. connotation

11 2. What can you infer about Doodle based on his reaction to the swamp on page 346?
A. He is violent, angry, and prone to outbursts. B. He is bright, emotional, and sensitive to beauty. C. He is odd, frustrating, and difficult to manage. D. He is rambunctious, rowdy, and easily upset by certain situations.

12 2. What can you infer about Doodle based on his reaction to the swamp on page 346?
A. He is violent, angry, and prone to outbursts. B. He is bright, emotional, and sensitive to beauty. C. He is odd, frustrating, and difficult to manage. D. He is rambunctious, rowdy, and easily upset by certain situations.

13 3. All of the following adjectives describe the narrator EXCEPT:
A. Patient B. Prideful C. Remorseful D. Driven

14 3. All of the following adjectives describe the narrator EXCEPT:
A. Patient B. Prideful C. Remorseful D. Driven

15 4. The paragraph that begins “Doodle was both tired and frightened…” (353) contains several examples of which literary device? A. Symbol B. Allusion C. Metaphor D. Imagery

16 4. The paragraph that begins “Doodle was both tired and frightened…” (353) contains several examples of which literary device? A. Symbol B. Allusion C. Metaphor D. Imagery

17 5. Why is Doodle so fascinated by the scarlet ibis?
A. Doodle is fascinated by the bird because he once read about them in a book. B. Doodle is fascinated by the bird because he feels a strong connection to all animals. C. Doodle is fascinated by the bird because he feels a kinship to it as both seem displaced, tired, sick, and fragile. D. Doodle is fascinated by the bird because he is determined to conquer his fear of flying.

18 5. Why is Doodle so fascinated by the scarlet ibis?
A. Doodle is fascinated by the bird because he once read about them in a book. B. Doodle is fascinated by the bird because he feels a strong connection to all animals. C. Doodle is fascinated by the bird because he feels a kinship to it as both seem displaced, tired, sick, and fragile. D. Doodle is fascinated by the bird because he is determined to conquer his fear of flying.

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