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Presentation on theme: "“Respect”."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Respect”

2 Respect I can… Explain why it is important to use Respectful Language
Provide examples and non-examples of Respectful Language List ways in which disrespectful language can be addressed

3 Respect Turn and Talk: (1 min) WHS has one of the most diverse student bodies in the state of Michigan. Does the language used in school honor each student’s identity?

4 Duke University: You Don’t Say Campaign (2 min)
Respectful Language Duke University: You Don’t Say Campaign (2 min)

5 Respectful Language To ensure that each individual’s identity and culture here at WHS is respected, please be sure that ….

6 Respectful Language Identities are not be used as an insult

7 Respectful Language Derogatory slang words are not used in reference to someone or something

8 Respectful Language Cursing and explicit language are not used

9 “We Don’t Say __________________”
Respectful Language What do you say to someone using disrespectful language? “We Don’t Say __________________”

10 Respectful Language Want to contribute to establishing a more inclusive and respectful culture here at WHS? Make up your own “We Don’t Say” slogan and turn it in to your PRIDE teacher. The best ones will be used for Waverly’s own “We Don’t Say” Campaign. “We/I don’t say ________ because __________”

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