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2013 Construction and Material Specifications Hydraulics and Environmental Summary Gary Angles, Office of Construction Administration.

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Presentation on theme: "2013 Construction and Material Specifications Hydraulics and Environmental Summary Gary Angles, Office of Construction Administration."— Presentation transcript:

1 2013 Construction and Material Specifications Hydraulics and Environmental Summary Gary Angles, Office of Construction Administration

This item has been removed from the 2013 C&MS. Stormwater Controls are included in SS832. Cleaned up references to OHWM in the specs and SCDs Revised updated MOP Proposed CGP public notice January 11

3 Item 601 Slope and Channel Protection
Description Removed interlock precast concrete blocks and added Articulating Concrete Block Revetment System Riprap B. Revised definition for articulating concrete block revetment system and removed interlock precast concrete block. Tied concrete block mat Added reference to and to install per the manufacturer’s recommendation. Articulating concrete block revetment system New material type description. Basis of payment Added: Articulating Concrete Block Revetment System. Removed: Water Quantity Swale Aggregate, Tied Concrete Block Mat for Water Quantity Swale and Interlock Concrete Blocks.

4 The Articulating Concrete Block Revetment System is a segmented mat used for hard armoring along stream banks, lakes and major channels. Articulating Concrete Block Revetment System Tied Concrete Block Mat is a rolled product used at bridge ends and underdrain outlets. Tied Concrete Block Mat

5 Item 602 MASONRY 602.02 - Materials
Removed reference to R and added C granular material types. Construction requirements 8E. Added section for pre-cast structures for wing walls and headwalls and removed slab footers and cut off walls. Double PE seal required More to follow RE: Standard method of measurement

6 Items 603 and 604 Removed item 603 and 604. Performance based 611 will replace the 603 and 604. Item 611

7 Item 605 UNDERDRAINS 605.02 - Materials
A. Removed Polyvinyl chloride plastic pipe.

Construction requirements 653 reference removed and specific material handling described Item 653 TOPSOIL FURNISHED and PLACED Method of measurement The Department will measure compacted Topsoil Furnished and Placed by the number of CY accepted in place.

Construction A. Removed Type D. Coconut fiber with biodegradable tissue (no longer manufactured) C. Removed this entire section Eliminated mat type not being used. Described Type H mats that were a modified version of type A mats.

10 Hydraulics, Item 611 Summary Beck Humphreys, Office of Hydraulic Engineering

This is a new item that encompasses items that were in item 603, 604 and SS 802. SS 802 is now item 611. This item has been written to create a performance based installation requirement.

12 603 – 802 – 611 Evolution Item 603 first showed up in ODOT standard specifications back in 1965 Lyndon B Johnson Was President Deeply embedded in the ODOT contract

13 Why Change? Drainage is a fundamental consideration in designing and constructing infrastructure. As 603 evolved it integrated into many aspects of Highway design and construction. Method dictates as described in 603 are no longer appropriate for the wide array of materials, equipment and technology available on today’s construction sites.

14 611 Timeline 1997 – SS802 optional performance based installation specification included on all projects with 603 and 604. Never elected for use until 2007 (dispute driven) 2006 – AASHTO issued interim specifications that established measurable performance criteria for the installation of conduits and drainage structures.

15 611 Timeline 2008 SS 802 was revamped with the intent of developing a performance based standard specification 2009 SS 802 was required on a number of projects state wide in an attempt to pilot the specification. 2012 Projects that are sold after March 31, 2012 and have any Item 603 or Item 604 work and have a construction cost estimate of 10 million dollars or more. 2013 Implement C&MS 611 (Page 471)

16 General Differences The contractor develops and executes his own installation plan for all conduit and drainage structures. Requires documented coordination between the material supplier and the installer. Conduit and drainage structures require both Installation and Performance Inspection that is tied to payment. Contractor is required to repair or replace conduits and drainage structures that do not meet the performance requirements. 611 Substantially expanded the acceptable inspection methods and equipment.

17 AASHTO Specification Foundation
LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications Section 26 Metal Culverts Section 27 Concrete Culverts Section 30 Thermoplastic Pipe

18 How it works Contractor selects the drainage component materials allowed by contract. Contractor develops an installation plan appropriate for the materials selected. Contractor installs, monitors and documents the installation. Based on contract criteria, the Contractor provides inspection / 3rd party evaluation and certification of Performance.

19 Description This work consists of; constructing conduits, and constructing reconstructing drainage structures. This work also includes preparing installation plans, performing inspections, and providing reports and other required documentation.

20 Materials Conduit shown in the plans is designed for hydraulic capacity and durability only Furnish pipe of the specified conduit type and size or one size larger. Furnish conduit of the specified material according to the plans If the material is not specified in the plans, furnish conduit conforming to any of the material requirements listed for that conduit type “Type” A, B, C, D, E and F very similar to 603

21 611.03 Definitions Backfill Bed Bedding Material Conduit
Corrugated Metal Conduit Cut Deflection Drainage Structures Fill Flexible Conduit Infiltration Lay Length Plastic Conduit Rigid Conduit Run of Conduit Spring Line

22 611.04 Submittals Shop Drawings Installation Plan
Construction Inspection Forms Performance Report

23 611.04 Submittals A. Shop Drawings
Have a Registered Engineer prepare, sign, seal and date all calculations. Second Registered Engineer checks and seals the submittal as well. Allow at least 15 days for the review. Note: D load special design reinforced concrete pipe Concrete precast 3 sided, arches and round sections Substitutions involving box culverts and or 3 sided, arches and round sections.

24 611.04 Submittals B. Installation Plan
Trench dimensions. Identify locations where the conduit is installed in a cut installation fill installation Type of bedding and backfill material with lift thickness. Compaction density and equipment proposed for bedding and backfill. Identify the starting location for each run of conduit. Maximum allowable joint gap between conduit sections. Other installation details as necessary.

25 611.04 Submittals B. Installation Plan (cont.)
Provide written confirmation from the conduit manufacturer that the pipe material and strength supplied are appropriate for the material and density requirements described in the installation plan regarding backfill and bedding as well as height of cover. This confirmation by the conduit manufacturer will not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for obtaining the required results.

26 611.04 Submittals C. Construction Inspection Forms
Perform work only in the presence of the Contractor’s representative doing the inspection. Submit construction inspection forms to the Engineer for each run of conduit and each drainage structure. Form CA-P-1 for conduit Form CA-P-3 for drainage structures.   “I certify that the information on this form is accurate and all deviations from the current installation plan have been noted.”

27 611.04 Submittals D. Performance Report
Global Positioning System (GPS) location required Summary of all defects including type, measurement, and location Provide mandrel sizing calculations and documentation For remote inspections using a crawler mounted camera with laser profiler, include: Three dimensional model of the conduit based on the laser profile measurements. Digital profile of conduit extracted from the inspection video Calculations of the ovality, capacity and delta of the conduit Explanation as to why data was unattainable for any section of the conduit Submit a performance report to the Engineer within 5 days of completing the performance inspection

28 Excavation Record any deviations from the installation plan on the construction inspection forms and revise the installation plan. Excavate trenches along the centerline of the conduit. When installing conduit in a fill situation, construct the embankment to the elevation of the spring line for the conduit or higher before excavating the trench. Provide a firm bed for the full width and length of the trench. If bedding material is not provided, loosen the middle third of the bed to seat the conduit. Provide a firm bed beneath the drainage structure. Remove any unsuitable material exposed in the bed for the width of the trench and a depth of at least 6 inches.


30 Bedding and Backfill If using coarse aggregate material for bedding and backfill below the ground water elevation, wrap the aggregate in geotextile fabric. Shape the bedding with recesses to receive the bell of bell-and-spigot conduit. Loosen the bedding in the middle third of the trench to seat the conduit. LSM installations require min. 6 inch LSM cover over pipe. Ensure compaction density complies with the installation plan. Test compaction in accordance with Supplement 1015. If Structural Backfill Type 3 or open graded material is used, vibrate, tamp or compact to the compaction level required by the manufacturer in the installation plan.

31 Laying Conduit Maintain flows and drainage or provide temporary diversion at no additional cost to the Department. Visually inspect all conduit in the presence of the Engineer before it is placed in the trench. Lay the conduit in the center of the trench at the invert elevation shown on the plans. Any deviation must be approved by the Engineer.

32 Joining Conduit Visually inspect all conduit, joints, and gaskets in the presence of the Engineer before placing any backfill. Join conduit as recommended by the manufacturer Corrugated Metal Conduit Rigid Conduit Plastic Conduit

33 611.09 Exterior Coatings and Membrane Waterproofing
Closely resembles 603 with regard to component materials. Installation methods need to be described in the installation plan. Performance Criteria Applies.

34 611.10 Drainage Structure Construction
Maintain flows at all times until the new facilities are completed. Inspect all precast drainage structures in the presence of the Engineer Install all structures to the elevation, station, and offset shown on the plans. Align the manhole base with the pipe and its invert elevation per SCDs. Brick and Block Masonry - Pre-wet 48 hr. cure Modular Precast Concrete All openings in precast drainage structures must be manufactured or cored. Reconstruction to grade Remove existing walls of catch basins and inlets below the window openings, grates, or any points of wall failure. Adjustment to grade install a casting or an acceptable adjusting device on file with the Department or an adjusting device approved by the Engineer .

35 611.11 Field Paving of New or Existing Conduit
Field pave the bottom of the conduit with concrete as shown on the plans. Very similar to 603

36 611.12 Performance Inspection
Notify the Engineer at least five workdays before conducting a performance inspection. A performance inspection is not required for projects that meet all of the following: All conduit is Type C (Sewers not under pavement) Conduit plan quantities are less than 100 feet All conduit has less than 16 feet of maximum fill height

37 611.12 Performance Inspection
Perform the inspection no sooner than 30 days and no later than 90 days after the completion of the finished grade when not below pavement and after the completion of the aggregate base when any portion of the conduit is below proposed pavement. If the contract duration will not permit a 30 day waiting period then the Engineer may adjust the waiting period. Furnish a video recording of each inspection.

38 611.12 Performance Inspection
Ensure that the condition of the conduit will allow a thorough accurate inspection. Perform Manual Inspection on drainage structures.

39 611.12 Performance Inspection Manual Inspection
Manual inspections require entering the conduit or drainage structure to record video and to make measurements - coordinate confined space access per OSHA requirements. Deflection Tape within ½ inch smallest inside diameter 3X per section of conduit Crack Width 0.01 inch and greater length, and greatest width of each crack. Joint Gaps Tape or ruler nearest ½ inch widest gap at each joint in the run

40 611.12 Performance Inspection Remote Inspection
Use a crawler mounted camera to record video with the equipment described in Supplemental Specification 902. Remove all debris from the conduits being inspected according to Dewater the conduit if the water level hinders the performance of the equipment.

41 611.13 Conduit Evaluation Independent P.E.
Have an independent Registered Engineer evaluate the conduit and any defects as required by AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications (Section 26, 27 and 30) with modifications according to this specification. The independent Registered Engineer cannot be an employee of the Contractor or the conduit manufacturer.

42 Conduit Evaluation When using a laser profiler, the conduit deflection must be calculated from the actual inside diameter at the measured location or calculated by inputting the nominal diameter. When using a mandrel, the mandrel must be sized according to the following equation: Mandrel size ≥ x (the nominal diameter) See SS902

43 611.13 Conduit Evaluation Certification Sign off
“I certify that repairs are not required for the conduit to function as designed and that the conduit meets the design life requirements described in the version of the Department’s Location and Design Manual, Volume 2, Drainage Design, used in the original design.” “I certify that this repair plan was designed to ensure the repaired conduit will function as designed and will meet the requirements described in the version of the Department’s Location and Design Manual, Volume 2, Drainage Design, used in the original design.”

44 611.13 Conduit Evaluation Metal Conduit
Evaluate: If infiltration is observed. All racking, buckling or denting. Vertical alignment of conduit – (Ensure there are no vertical sags in the conduit that trap water). Repair or replace conduit if the joint gap exceeds the tolerance (as described in the installation plan) for a length greater than or equal to 1/3 of the circumference. Repair all coating damage. Repair or replace conduit if deflection > 7.5%.  

45 611.13 Conduit Evaluation Rigid Conduits
Evaluate if infiltration is observed. Evaluate if joint gap exceeds the tolerance* for a length less than 1/3 of the circumference. Evaluate vertical alignment of conduit – Ensure there are no vertical sags in the conduit that trap water. Repair or replace conduit if the joint gap exceeds the tolerance* for a length greater than or equal to 1/3 of the circumference. Repair or replace conduit if cracks > 0.10 inch. Repair or replace conduit if spalls or slabbing are observed. * Maximum joint gap listed in the installation plan

46 611.14 Drainage Structure Evaluation
Drainage Structure Evaluation. Have an independent Registered Engineer evaluate the drainage structures and any defects listed in the table below. Certification of Engineer’s finding repairs are not required …meets the design life this repair plan was designed to ensure the repaired drainage structure will function as designed…

47 611.14 Drainage Structure Evaluation

48 Surface Settlements Repair any surface settlement within the trench limits or within 4 feet of a drainage structure. Have an independent Registered Engineer evaluate the conduit according to or the drainage structure according to Perform all repair work at no additional cost to the Department.

49 611.16 Method of Measurement Terms, conditions, assumptions…
very similar to 603/604

50 Basis of Payment Payment for all inspection(s) is included with the contract unit price of the corresponding pay item. All required repairs, including any settlement problems, must be made prior to acceptance. Department will not make additional payment for repair work on conduit installed under this specification.

51 Basis of Payment The Department will pay for accepted quantities according to the following schedule: 60% After installation of conduit or drainage structure 10% After performance inspection is completed 30% After acceptance of the conduit or drainage structure

52 SS 902 902.01 Crawler Mounted Camera 902.02 Crawler Mounted Camera
with Laser Profiler Mandrel

53 Questions

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