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Daily Error Thursday, August 16th

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1 Daily Error Thursday, August 16th
Line one: Write the error as it is in the sentence below. Line two: Correct the error that is in the sentence below. My intention was to take her out to dinner, however I decided not to invite her after all.

2 Citing Textual Evidence

3 Explicit Textual Evidence
Explicit means direct Textual means from the text Evidence means support for your answer, opinion, or idea.

4 Explicit Textual Evidence
When we have ideas about what we read, we should cite Explicit Textual Evidence to support our ideas. As we read, we often are asked to answer questions or express our ideas about the text. To show we are not making things up, we should use Explicit Textual Evidence to support our opinions or answers. In real life, people who can back up an opinion about a text with Explicit Textual Evidence are taken way more seriously than those who only say “just because.”

5 How to Cite Textual Evidence
First: state YOUR idea about the text/question being asked of you. Second: cite what in the text lead you to that idea. Paraphrase or directly quote your supporting evidence from the text. Third: explain how the evidence you quoted supports your idea.

6 Example Cats kill between 2 billion and 4 billion birds every year in the United States, a new report discovers. This is nearly a billion more than estimated by some previous studies, Skylar Lind told ABC News. This research scientist, who works at the Stone Nature Center in St. Petersburg led this new study. Any long-term solution could possibly be controversial. Many people believe catching wild cats and neutering them, which means conducting minor surgery in order to make them unable to reproduce. This will not make them kill fewer animals. Although it will reduce the number of bird killers. Other people have proposed catching and killing feline cats.

7 What is the author’s purpose in writing this text?
The author’s purpose was to make people aware that cats killing birds has become a problem and that any solution to the problem will be controversial. By stating “cats kill between 2 billion and 4 billion birds every year,” the author uses a statistic that really catches the reader’s eye because the numbers are so big. The author also makes the point to provide different perspectives to allow the reader to know that this problem will have a controversial solution. Through these methods, the author is explaining all of the sides of the issue to the reader instead of stating their personal opinion on it.

8 Making Inferences Inference: A conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning. AKA,something you think to be true based on information presented to you. They are NOT found directly within a text. To make an inference, you need to use evidence from the text and your own prior knowledge. Making inferences will allow you to understand the portions of the text that the author doesn’t come right out and tell you.


“The Lost generation” By: Jonathan Reed

11 Short Response What was the author’s purpose for writing this poem? Support your answer by citing textual evidence from the poem. Staple your response to your annotated poem. Place your assignment in the bin for your class period before exiting class. 

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