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Web 2.0 Communication Tools MERLOT Managing Director

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Presentation on theme: "Web 2.0 Communication Tools MERLOT Managing Director"— Presentation transcript:

1 Web 2.0 Communication Tools MERLOT Managing Director
MERLOT VOICES MERLOT Introduces Web 2.0 Communication Tools Dr. Sorel Reisman MERLOT Managing Director

2 MERLOT’s Vision MERLOT's vision is to be a premiere online community where faculty, staff, and students from around the world share their learning materials and pedagogy.

3 Shared Learning Materials
* *August 3, 2008

4 Shared Comments

5 MERLOT Mid-Year Meeting Report
Experimenting with Management Wiki Abandoned single, threaded discussion effort Prototype in test To test alternative communications tools Chat/discussion/wiki/blog/etc To explore utility of tools To investigate deployment of all or selective tools – overall MERLOT, in portals, other

6 MERLOT Voices Field Test of collaboration tools
Explore & understand MERLOT community communication needs “Uncontrolled” communication environment Low startup resource investment Understand required maintenance/operating resource requirements Understand “terms of agreement” requirements

7 Conditions Totally independent application
Not integrated with the MERLOT application Hosted on commercial server site Terms of Service usage are a supplement to MERLOT Acceptable Use Agreement (AUP) All forum posts fall under Creative Commons License described in MERLOT AUP – non commercial, attribution, non derivative, share-alike Joining Voices requires separate “join” Not required to be MERLOT registered member

8 Three Collaboration Environments
General For all registered participants MERLOT Created Communities Parallel to MERLOT portal communities Personal Voices Page Create personal Voices collaboration page

9 1. General Environment For all registered Voices members
Participate in MERLOT-initiated discussion forums – e.g. - FAQ Initiate new general interest forums Post videos Visit select MERLOT-created communities Create “personal” Voices page Invite others

10 2. MERLOT-Created Communities
Optional participation by Voices’ members Discussion forums for MERLOT portal-like communities Includes a few volunteer MERLOT discipline communities Includes MERLOT-created “test” communities

11 3. Personal Voices Page Automatically created by registering for Voices Create personal discussion forums Create personal blogs Invite friends and colleagues


13 Supplemental “Terms of Service”
Separate “Join” and Supplemental “Terms of Service”

14 Content co-managed by Participants and Webmaster
“Main” Page Content co-managed by Participants and Webmaster

15 Displays Shortcuts to:
Most recent Voices member photos MERLOT-Defined Community Forums MERLOT-Defined Community Conversations All Posted videos Navigation links to other parts of Voices




19 Personal Page

20 VISIT Invite 3 friends NOW

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