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1 FACULTY JUSTIFICATIONS Making a Compelling Case
Danielle Buehrer SACSCOC Accreditation Liaison Kennesaw State University February 12, 2019

2 SACSCOC Standard 6.2.a For each of its educational programs, the institution justifies and documents the qualifications of its faculty members.

3 KSU must Employ competent faculty members qualified to accomplish the mission and goals of the University; Determine acceptable qualifications of its faculty; and, Justify and document the qualifications of all faculty (full-time and part-time) at all locations for all courses and delivery modes.

4 KSU must make its case! KSU must document the qualifications of its faculty Undergraduate and graduate degrees, as appropriate; Related work experience; Professional licensure and certification;

5 Continue Honors and awards; Research and publications;
Continuous documented excellence in teaching; and, Other documented competencies and achievements that contribute to effective teaching and student learning outcomes.

6 KSU must Align course content with specific academic and/or professional experience.

7 Flexibility and Risk The higher the course level, the more challenging the justification for other types of faculty qualifications . The later an institution is in its reaffirmation of accreditation process, the more conservative it should be when justifying other types of faculty qualifications.

8 SACSCOC Faculty Credentials Guidelines
Faculty teaching general education courses and baccalaureate courses must have a Doctorate or master’s degree in the teaching discipline; or, A minimum of 18 graduate semester hours in the teaching discipline.

9 Continue Faculty teaching graduate and post-baccalaureate course work must have a doctorate/terminal degree in the teaching discipline or a related discipline. Graduate teaching assistants must have a Master’s in the teaching discipline; or, 18 graduate semester hours in the teaching discipline and direct supervision by a faculty member experienced in the teaching discipline.

10 Examples Doe, Jordan Doe, John
Ph.D. (Chemistry), University of Virginia CHEM 3601 Physical Chemistry I CHEM 3601L Physical Chemistry I Lab CHEM 3602 Physical Chemistry II CHEM 3602L Physical Chemistry II Lab Doe, John Ph.D. (Chemistry), Tulane University CHEM 6620 Adv Topics in Physical Chem.

11 Doe, Jamie Ph.D. (Mathematics), Lehigh University
ECON 2200 Principles of Economics-Macro ECON 2300 Business Statistics ECON 3300 App Stat & Optimization Models Doe completed the following 18 graduate semester hours of courses in economics through his graduate work at Lehigh University: ECON 719 Inter Macro (3), ECON 632 Adv Micro (3), ECON 555 Econometric Meth (3), ECON 754 Forecasting (3), ECON 772 Special Topics-Mathematical Statistics (3), ECON 772 Special Topics-Theory of Probability

12 Doe, Juan M.A. (Art History), University of Michigan
DANC 3500 Pas de Deux/Pointe Doe is an acclaimed performer and choreographer. He has taught at the Atlanta ballet Centre for Dance Education and held the role of Ballet Master with the Atlanta Ballet Fellowship Ensemble for over 20 years. He has taught at additional notable dance institutions, such as Alvin Ailey, North Carolina Dance Theatre, Montana ballet Company, Metropolitan Ballet Theatre, and the British Dance Company.

13 Doe, Jane Ph.D. (Philosophy), University of Iowa
GWST 1102 Love and Sex GWST 3001 Feminist Theories GWST 3090 Transnational Feminisms Doe’s Ph.D. focused on social and political philosophy, race, and gender. Her graduate level research and coursework were interdisciplinary and included feminist theory, critical race theory, and psychoanalysis. Her dissertation was on Simone de Beauvoir and Jean Paul Sartre, She has published a book on interdisciplinary feminist theorist/semiotician Julia Kristeva with Polity Press and an edited collection on Julia Kristeva with SUNY Press.

14 Continue She has published broadly in feminist theory in interdisciplinary contexts, especially the intersections among phenomenology, psychoanalysis, and social and political theory with a focus on gender and in prestigious venues, including Philosophy Today, PMLA, and in collections with major contemporary feminist theorists (Judith Butler, Elizabeth Grosz, Kelly Oliver, and Tina Chanter).

15 Peer Review Process KSU is a Level VI SACSCOC institution-
Offers 4 or more doctoral degrees. Its peer reviewers are from University of Florida, Tennessee State University, Auburn University, University of South Carolina, Texas Southern University, Texas State University, North Carolina State University, University of Virginia

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