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Final Project Plan P09004 – Eye Movement Tracking Device

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Presentation on theme: "Final Project Plan P09004 – Eye Movement Tracking Device"— Presentation transcript:

1 Final Project Plan P09004 – Eye Movement Tracking Device
Bryan McCormick (ME)

2 Final Project Plan Project Name Eye Movement Tracking Device
Project Number P09004 Project Family Assistive Device Family Track Assistive Devices and Bioengineering Track Start Term 2008-1 End Term 2008-2 Faculty Guide Dr. Vincent Amuso (EE) Faculty Consultant Dr. Phillips (EE) Jeff Pelz (Imaging Science) Primary Customer Dr. Vincent Amuso, RIT Department of Electrical Engineering, Department Head

3 Project Overview Mission Statement
This product will collect and store EOG signals and images of the human eye for use by faculty researchers in the fields of Electrical and Biomedical Engineering.

4 Electrode Location

5 EOG Function

6 Phase 0: Planning Key Business Goals The primary business goals of this product are to use this product to provide reliable data for use in a research environment, thus contributing in a positive and sustainable way to our university. appeal to prospective students and interest them in the biomedical field. Primary Market /Project Opportunities The primary market for this product is for research at RIT in the areas of image processing and biomedical fields. Secondary Market /Project Opportunities Secondary markets for this product include research at other universities or private institutions.

7 Stakeholders Dr. Amuso Electrical Engineering Faculty Researchers
Human Participants Prospective Students Multi-Disciplinary Senior Design(MSD) Rochester Institute of Technology University of Rochester Biomedical Industry Food and Drug Administration(FDA) Institute Review Board(IRB) Suppliers

8 Phase 1: Concept Development Identify Customer Needs - Interpret
Key Customer Needs in order of Relative Importance: Inherently Safe Data Collection Data Storage Ease of Use Accurate Durable Low Cost Ease of Maintenance User Comfort Aesthetically Pleasing Portable

9 Team Values and Norms Punctuality Thoroughness Accuracy Professional
Ethical Committed to Team/Project

10 Resources EE Lab Space Work/Storage Space (MSD Floor) Machine Shop
Oscilloscope Multimeter Work/Storage Space (MSD Floor) Machine Shop Possibly CNC depending on design Materials/Components: TBD

11 Staffing


13 3 Week Plan

14 Preliminary Schedule

15 Preliminary Schedule Con’t

16 IP Considerations Currently: None

17 Estimated Budget COTS Amplifiers COTS Lead Wires COTS Electrodes
~$1000 COTS Lead Wires ~$150 COTS Electrodes ~$250 COTS Imaging Equipment ~$100 Bottom up Initial Estimate: ~$

18 Risks Financial Staffing Time Approval for Human Testing
Parts Acquirement Approval for Human Testing

19 Future Plan Where do you go from here?
Grading Scheme Evaluate PRP for MSD Readiness Staff Project

20 Questions?

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