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Welcome to Payne Junior High School

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1 Welcome to Payne Junior High School
GREEN XTREME TEAM Mr. Nedow’s Integrated Science Room 24

2 Who is Mr. Nedow? Native to Michigan
Graduated from Central Michigan University & Northern Arizona Univ. 5th year in CUSD (1st Year at PJHS) Have a wife (Angie) son (Cole) and One on the way Coach 7th Grade Girls Basketball Team Coach 8th Grade Boys Basketball Team

3 Student Expectations and Grading
Materials (4 Notebooks, Pencils and Flash Drive) Grading Percentages (40% Tests/Quizes, 30% Class work and Projects, 20% Homework, 10% Agendas/Journals) Science In Our Lives Extra Credit

4 7th Grade Science Curriculum (Earth Science)
Scientist Research Project Scientific Method Introduction Layers of the Earth Plate Tectonics Rock Cycle Earth Quakes/Volcanoes Identification of Rocks/Minerals 1st Quarter

5 7th Grade Science Curriculum (Space Science)
Phases of the Moon Tides and Seasons Eclipses of the Moon Identification of Constellations Relationships of Common Objects in space 2nd Quarter

6 7th Grade Science Curriculum (Ecology/Environmental Science)
Analyze Environmental Risks (Landfill, Recycling etc.) Analyze the relationship among various organisms Biomes Food Webs, Food Chains & Energy Pyramid Endangered Species 3rd Quarter

7 7th Grade Science Curriculum (Health)
Media Influence 3rd World Country Health Services Developing Lifelong skills Fitness and Nutrition Diseases and Disorders 4th Quarter

8 Science Fair Begins in 2nd Quarter and ends before holiday break.
Choose Topic Related to Curriculum Develop Lab Report Perform Experiment Create Visual (Tri-Fold Board) HISEF Competition (Hamilton)

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